This repo specifies the web backend and frontend for the Orcasound app that plays a live audio stream through the user's browser of choice. The backend is an Elixir app using the Phoenix framework. The Phoenix app serves a React app.
Please check out the CONTRIBUTING doc for tips on making a successful contribution, as well as learning resources!
Short-cut: docker-compose pull && docker-compose up
Note: this assumes you have installed docker and docker-compose.
To access the site, run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up
and wait until the phoenix_1
container outputs Compiled successfully
. Then you should find the site available in your browser at http://localhost:4000
For details about the quick method of getting the site up and running, see the Docker configuration guidance below.
If you would like a more flexible method, you can install the dependencies directly on your machine.
Docker is the quickest way to get the project up and running, especially if you haven't already set up Erlang/Elixir/Node. The only requirement is that you have both docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.
Once you clone the repository, you can just run docker-compose in the root directory. To avoid building locally you can use the pull
command first to grab the pre-built image from Docker Hub. Combining both commands into one line:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up
This will pull the pre-built image from Docker Hub along with an image for the database, automatically configure everything, and run the Phoenix server. The orcasite page will be accessible at http://localhost:4000
as soon as the phoenix_1
container outputs Compiled successfully
At the moment, the docker-compose
file uses bind mounting for the source files (assets
, config
, lib
, test
, mix.exs
, and mix.lock
), which means if you edit the source on your host file system, the changes will get picked up and hot reloaded in your browser.
However, please note that installed packages are not shared with the host file system, which means node packages and hexes need to be installed by running mix deps.get
and npm install
inside the phoenix
container. The best way to do this is to use docker-compose exec
docker-compose exec phoenix bash -c "mix deps.get && cd assets && npm install"
The exec
command can also be used to run any other commands that need to be completed in the container, like ecto.migrate
and other database operations.
For more involved development you may want to access iex
. To do this, stop the containers with docker-compose stop
and start them back up using
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports phoenix iex -S mix phx.server
You will now have an interactive access to iex, while the postgres container runs in the background.
If you need more control over the dev setup, consider installing everything manually on the local machine.
If Docker doesn't suit your needs, you can follow these instructions to get everything running directly on your machine.
You will need to install Erlang, Elixir, and Nodejs. You can use a tool like asdf
to manage your language dependencies.
Language-level dependencies can be found under .tool-versions
. As of this writing, they are:
erlang 21.0.4
elixir 1.7.1
nodejs 10.4.0
You will need to install Postgres and setup the postgres
user with a password. The default connection details are:
username: "postgres"
password: "postgres"
database: "orcasite_dev"
hostname: "localhost"
port: 5432
You can pass in custom values using env variables. Full details can be found in dev.exs
Orcasite uses PostGIS for location data inside of Postgres. To install on MacOS, run
brew install postgis
As of this writing, the following version numbers are used:
postgres 10.6
postgis 2.5.1
Once Erlang, Elixir, and Nodejs are installed, Postgres is running, and the repository has been cloned, install the project's dependencies with this command in the root directory:
mix deps.get
Set up the database with
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
Setting up the frontend requires npm
. To set up the frontend:
cd assets
npm install
You can then return to the root directory
cd ..
The freshly created database is empty. To create a Feed in the database, run the seeds.exs
file like this:
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
Finally, run the server with:
iex -S mix phx.server
You should now be able to see the page when visiting
From the assets folder
npx mocha
For the moment, this app is running in a Heroku instance with mix phx.server
. To access the console, run:
heroku run POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix
config var is necessary due to the current Postgres db having 20 connections. You can read more about it here.