
Tutorial for training with nnUNet in docker container, inference, deployment and other applications are still in exploration :)


An instruction to create a training for nnUNet. To start nnUNet training in a docker container for the first time, this is all you need. (DOGE)

Create a docker image for nnUNet training

First of all, you should have a base image contains basic dependencies and pytorch. If you don't have one, you can pull one from docker hub, for example:

docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.8.1-cuda11.1-cudnn8-devel

In my practice, a pytorch-lightning image exists, a simplest Dockerfile is:

FROM pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning:latest-py3.7-torch1.8
RUN pip install nnunet

Elsewise if you want a modified nnUNet, the dockerfile can be:

FROM pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning:latest-py3.7-torch1.8
COPY nnUNet /nnUNet
RUN cd /nnUNet \
 && pip install --no-cache-dir -e . 

For more applications to build docker images for nnUNet, please refer to: hubutui/nnUNet

Then you can build the image:

docker build -t [image_tag] -f [dockerfile_path] .

in my practice:

docker build -t nnunet:base -f /nnUNet/docker/Dockerfile .


Here only provide a fast step-by-step tutorial to start a training task by nnUNet docker. The detail official instruction of nnUNet training configuration and usage can be found in: nnUNet and Setting up Paths.

Step 1: prepare data set for training

The document structure and the naming rules of data files are fixed in nnUNet. You should prepare for your data set carefully according to: Dataset conversion instructions. That will take you some time. Some tips should be emphasized:

  1. 3 folders should be created: nnUNet_raw_data_base, nnUNet_preprocessed and nnUNet_trained_models, whose names can be customized;
  2. Ensure that a subfolder nnUNet_raw_data (whose name should not be changed) is created under nnUNet_raw_data_base;
  3. Source data should be located under a folder nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUnet_raw_data/TaskXXX_TaskName, and the file name of images and labels should be strictly consistent; Take a one-modality-image train data as an example, the image file name is image1_0000.nii.gz, the label file name should be image1.nii.gz. if not (eg, the image file name is image1_T1_0000.nii.gz and the label file name is image1.nii.gz), even if you define right into a pair in the dataset.json, the training program will stopped.

Step 2: run a training container

Start a container with the command:

docker run -it \
-v=(dir)/XXX:/XXX \
--gpus=all \
--rm \
--name=DMH_Task001 \
--network=host \
--ipc=host \


  1. --ipc=host is recommended to avoid some runtime error, refer to: Here;
  2. DO NOT forget to set parameter --gpus, otherwise the GPU will be invisible;
  3. The single device training (with command nnUNet_train) will run on GPU 0 inside the container, if you want to train on a specific GPU device of the host(eg. device 2), set the gpu as --gpus="device=2", the device 2 will be visible inside the container as GPU 0.

Step 3: configure the data folder to the environment variables in the container

export nnUNet_raw_data_base="/XXX/nnUNet_raw_data_base"
export nnUNet_preprocessed="/XXX/nnUNet_preprocessed"
export RESULTS_FOLDER="/XXX/nnUNet_trained_models"

Step 4: Experiment planning and preprocessing

Run this command:

nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t task_id --verify_dataset_integrity

For more information, referred to Experiment planning and preprocessing

Step 5: start training

start a single device training with nnUNet_train command, take a 3D full resolution U-Net as an example:

nnUNet_train 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2 [`task id` or `task folder name`] FOLD --npz

if your task folder is in nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUnet_raw_data/TaskXXX_TaskName, the task id is XXX, the task folder name is TaskXXX_TaskName. Enjoy your nnUNet training!


It's really easy to execute inference process. Put the images to be predicted into a folder (the path of the folder can be anywhere, eg. XXX/input) and run:

nnUNet_predict -i `XXX/input` -o 'XXX/pred' -t 1 -m 3d_fullres -f all

More instructions can be found here.
The default number of epochs during training is 1000 which may be too long for specific cases, and the inference process will search for the trained model with filename contains "model_final_checkpoint" which will be not be generated untill all the training epochs finished. Change the number of epochs or change the reference model name is applicable by edit the nnUNet source code and rebuild, but if you need to take a prediction with the intermediate model (whose filename contains "model_best" or "model_latest") without changing the source code, just rename any one of this two models to "model_final_checkpoint" (looks not elegant).