Now, Kenny G can be your domain's personal scorekeeper. Ask him politely, and he will be happy to put his accounting skills to practice.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'kenny_g'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install kenny_g
Kenny G has a game setup mode where players and a winning score can be delcared and adjusted.
kenny_g = KennyG.setup_game(players: ['sally', 'fred', 'carl'], shared_target: 100)
=> #<GameSetup>
kenny_g = KennyG.setup_game
=> #<GameSetup>
Players can only be added in game setup mode. To add a player, provide a user. The player will have a default
score of 0.
=> { player1: {
points: [0],
points_total: 0
To start recording scores, let KennyG know that the game is being played.
kenny_in_action = kenny_g.play_game
=> <#GamePlay>
Scores can only be written in game play mode. To write a score, Kenny G will need a user and a point amount. Player details will be returned.
kenny_in_action.score(user: 'player1', points: 7 }
=> { player1: {
points: [3, 7],
points_total: 10
To show game or player information, ask for details.
=> {
players: {
carl: {
points: [0,1],
points_total: 1
rose: {
points: [0,5],
points_total: 5
status: :game_setup,
shared_target: 50
Quick Play
If no game setup is needed, head directly into game play mode where a single player assumed with no winning target threshold.
kenny_in_action = KennyG.play_game
=> #<GamePlay>
- players should have a target
- games play should not know the player target?
- game_end
- scoring for quick play
- point rounds
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.