
Dependancy problem solved for https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.17009003.v8

Primary LanguagePython

CCTransformationExtraction is a program to extract concept transformations from geo-analytical questions.



The program is implemented in python (version 3.7). Several libraries should be installed (use pip command to install the following libraries) before running the code:

pip install numpy
pip install allennlp
pip install -U spacy
pip install nltk
pip install word2number

To run nltk.pos_tag() dataset need to be downloaded otherwise run with out error message so that makes it demanding to debug nltk model download

sudo python -m nltk.downloader -d /usr/local/share/nltk_data all

Install conda env with yml file


Run the script Identify.py on GeoAnQu.txt to get training results Results_train_Auto.json. Check the Grammar folder for more details of the functional grammar in GeoAnQu.g4. Check the Dictionary folder for the concept dictionary.

To check the evaluation, navigate to CCTrans_evaluation folder in the project folder, and use evalTest.py to generate EvaluationResults.csv. Results_test_Auto.json is generated by running Identify.py on test corpus.txt. Results_test_Manual.json is manually generated as the gold standard used in evaluation.

Run sequence

  1. run GeoAnQu.g4 with command antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 MyGrammar.g4 (from antrl4 repo)
  2. Specify the file path described above in Identify.py
    1. The parameter name is questionFilePath
  3. run Identify.py by python Identify.py
