- 1
Example for ProcessGroupsApi.upload_progress_group()?
#377 opened by snowch - 2
- 2
- 1
- 5
Timed Out waiting for nipyapi _schedule_controller_state to complete
#371 opened by Kingdom-Of-Heaven - 0
- 2
trying to upload a xml template using nypyapi but not loading and neither shows an error.
#372 opened by atiftariq1 - 1
Cannot connect with TLS secured NiFi 2.x using and Python 3.12
#370 opened by ChrisSamo632 - 8
- 1
Does not work with Python 3.10
#308 opened by Chaffelson - 1
nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupsApi.upload_process_group_with_http_info() incomplete
#310 opened by matt038 - 1
- 2
- 0
Impossible to pass the key_password for key_file
#351 opened by nightgryphon - 1
- 2
Couldn't get list of all pgs: ValueError: Invalid value for `flowfile_concurrency` (SINGLE_BATCH_PER_NODE), must be one of ['UNBOUNDED', 'SINGLE_FLOWFILE_PER_NODE']
#321 opened by EfraimGENC - 3
vulnerabilities in future 0.18.2
#323 opened by davis-anthony - 1
Unable to move a processor in the canvas (changing its position field) without deleting and creating it anew in the new position
#328 opened by noamg1911 - 6
- 5
Parameter Providers support
#331 opened by jjw24 - 4
BundleTypeValues in ExtensionBundle are not matched by value, but by the Enum name
#341 opened by duhizjame - 13
Getting error Invalid value for `state` (RUN_ONCE), must be one of ['RUNNING', 'STOPPED', 'DISABLED']
#362 opened by poopae8055 - 1
client_key_password accuracy checking
#360 opened by JiKeidan - 0
- 5
- 9
- 2
Error "Invalid keys in `parameter_sensitivities`" after calling get_parameter_providers
#325 opened by provotor - 2
Where to find nifi rest apis json schema file?
#350 opened by htrekker - 4
NiPyAPI import_flow_version issue
#345 opened by j7smith - 5
- 10
- 3
- 5
NiPyAPI upsert_parameter_to_context timeout issue
#327 opened by j7smith - 1
- 7
One Time Download Token
#324 opened by j7smith - 2
Cannot Update Process Group's Variables
#316 opened by mburger343 - 3
How to supply bundle path when calling `create_extension_bundle_version_with_http_info`
#318 opened by andyadamides - 9
- 4
Getting a timeout when successfully deploying Nifi flows via versioning API
#312 opened by andyadamides - 9
Connection to Nifi only succeeds locally (`nipyapi.canvas.get_root_pg_id` API call)
#319 opened by andyadamides - 1
- 12
Add support for Run once (RUN_ONCE) state of processors and process groups
#309 opened by ihor-sokoliuk-exa - 2
upsert_parameter_to_context failing!
#307 opened by silverbullet1 - 0
- 4
Registry import_flow_version calls nifi-api, cannot use library with registry only.
#301 opened by mixam85 - 2
AssertionError when creating connections for dynamic relationship names
#303 opened by casejohnsondeloitte - 3
- 4
Cannot update parameter context on NiFi 1.15.0
#298 opened by gareth625 - 4
Cannot get parameter-context by ID.
#296 opened by yoshiya8 - 3
Having issue creating a LogMessage processor with values set for the default properties
#289 opened by instance-id