
Arduino Experiments and Breadboading Everything!!!!

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Ardu_Serie - Arduino Fun In High

Arduino Experiments and Breadboading Everything!!!! Experiments with the opensource Arduino platform. You.tube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

Vids list:

Project TimeLapse Cam - Arduino Grove Camera - file: clouds_youtube_64x https://youtu.be/M8Z4J7vcboE?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

Project TimeLapse Cam - Arduino Grove Camera - file: morning_youtube_64x https://youtu.be/bRO4C65nyAw?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

Project TimeLapse Cam - Arduino Grove Camera - sunsetWideAngle youtube 64x https://youtu.be/DNkTlXtqQ_I?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

Project Kinect LaserGun V 0.1: Arduino - Testing Laser - Jun 2014 https://youtu.be/5b3nDtq9aQ8?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

00 # arduSerie - NFC ITEAD PN532 & LCD!!! https://youtu.be/PHUNECa4oso?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

01 # arduSerie - Pong Game w/ IC 74HC138!!! - file: 01_Ardu_Pong_Game.ino https://youtu.be/ydJrrRyvgU8?list=PLK3PeNcUzb8TwZuXZJgREj5nDbQxRLW_a

02 # ardu_serie - 8 Digit 7 Segment Display - file: _8Digit_00.ino https://youtu.be/CKetrf3Mv9s

03 # arduSerie - DIY 4 x 4 16-Key Numeric Keypad TEST!! file: keypad_testing00.ino https://youtu.be/cVpLxHNI_x8

04 # arduSerie - E-Osci v1.0 Right Now!!! https://youtu.be/anycAJkGeY8

05 # arduSerie - DD_ARD_YU v1.0 - Digital Dimmer ARDuino for YoU!!! https://youtu.be/-1Vl_qlzZng
file 1: Dimmer_Digital.ino file 2: ac_light_dimmer_adapt_02.ino file 3: ac_light_dimmer_adapt_03.ino

06 # arduSerie - Expanding Arduino's Pin w/ DEMUX IC 4051 !!! https://youtu.be/hYpaAO2CYog file 1: _06_arduSerie_sketch_01.ino file 2: _06_arduSerie_sketch_02.ino file 3: _06_arduSerie_sketch_03.ino file 4: _06_arduSerie_sketch_04.ino

07 # arduSerie - Rotary Encoder Basics For Arduino https://youtu.be/6ok3mH7tmN4 file 2: _07_arduSerie_RotaryEncoderBasicsWArduino.ino

08 # arduSerie - Ardu Tacho Meter v1.0 https://youtu.be/mesFtKku4bU file 1: _08_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV10_I.ino file 2: _08_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV10_II.ino

09 # arduSerie - Uni H-Bridge Module For Arduino https://youtu.be/J3uOs2HWvRI file 1: _09_arduSerie_Uni_HBridge_I.ino

13 # arduSerie - Arduino 1-Wire Thermocouple in the kitchen - file 1: _13_arduSerie_ThermoKitchen_I.ino file 2: _13_arduSerie_ThermoKitchen_II.ino file 3: _13_arduSerie_ThermoKitchen_III.ino Final file: _13_arduSerie_ThermoKitchen_Final.ino

15 #arduSerie - Arduino Ripple Board w/ PCF8591P - file 1: _15_arduSerie_sketch_01.PCF8591_NoCalibration.ino file 2: _15_arduSerie_sketch_02_PCF8591_Calibration.ino file 3: _15_arduSerie_sketch_03_PCF8591_readAnalog.ino official vid: https://youtu.be/oNpPBxcHSXw page: https://goo.gl/5F73MG

16 #arduSerie - Arduino Headless Setup & ESP 8266 (WIFI cheap chip!) - file: _16_arduSerie_sketch_01.HelloServer_Json.ino file 2: _16_arduSerie_sketch_03.WiFiWebServer.ino - file 3 : _16_arduSerie_sketch_04_Ir_Test.ino IV official vid: https://youtu.be/hH8t4iPAVJI official page: https://goo.gl/AW4utX

18 #arduSerie - Speed Bluetooth Configuration - file: _18_arduSerie_sketch_01.ConfigBT.ino vid: https://youtu.be/lvLnOyy7pbo page: https://goo.gl/uGj7I9

20 #arduSerie - Your First NodeMCU/Lua Script Flash on ESP8266!!!- file - _20_arduSerie_lua_01.HelloWorld.lua vid: https://youtu.be/2bdtj6Fbgxo page: https://goo.gl/UFykwS

21 #arduSerie - Making Ideas Shine with Johnny-Five!!!- file1: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloBOARD_00.js file2: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloLED_00.js file3: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloLED_01.js file4: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloSERVO_00.js file5: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloSERVO_01.js file6: _21_arduSerie_Johnny_Five_helloSERVO_02 vid1: https://youtu.be/Io9BnlIla2k vid2: https://youtu.be/1ReWRJP-6Ig page: https://goo.gl/UTsGrD

100 #arduSerie - J3 Solar Tracker Turret V1.0 - a 100th YouTube Video!!! Description: "This is a Awesome Solar Tracker Turret v1.0, based on Arduino Sun Tracker Turret © CC0 (https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/robotgeek-projects-team/arduino-sun-tracker-turret-06cba9?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=Nov15&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=solartr)." file - _100_kidSerie_sketch_solarTracker.ino vid: https://goo.gl/unfHZA page: https://goo.gl/ZAnbBz

23 #arduSerie - HowTo Control Devices With PID Library - Description: "This is the goal: we have to control the speed of an exhaust fan by the pid method. We will use the Arduino PID Library by Brett Beauregard and Front-End v03 using Processing.org version 3.1." file1: _23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_I.ino file2: _23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_II.ino file3: _23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_IV.ino file4: _23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_V.ino file5: _23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_VI.ino file6:_23_arduSerie_ArduTachoMeterV2_VII file7: _23_arduSerie_DarkTube.ino file8: _23_arduSerie_DarkTube_Processing_pde (modify this name) vid: https://youtu.be/BrjnD3IeRKs page: https://goo.gl/tgtW9B

24 #arduSerie - abC Project: Arduino, Bluetooth and Compass V1.0 - Description: "We will implement a compass connected to the arduino via bluetooth. We used the HC-06 bluetooth dongle, GY-85 board, which sensor used are only HMC5883L out of three." file1: _24_arduSerie_Arduino_Bluetooth.ino - How Bluetooth Work file2:_24_arduSerie_Arduino_Bluetooth.ino file3: _24_arduSerie_Arduino_Bluetooth.ino file4: _24_Arduino_Compass_BT_Processing.pde vid: https://goo.gl/unfHZA page: https://goo.gl/gHFGIi

25 #arduSerie - Ping-Pong Game Explained!!! Simulation on Atmel Studio 7 - Description: "Learn:
. Configuration of the Timer Interrupt; . How a cool Code works inside; . Analyzing & Dividing code to conquer; . Calculate the Overflow Timer on Arduino Helped by Atmel Studio 7 Simulator !!! vid: https://youtu.be/X6yPxE8C60s page : https://goo.gl/aAKGuD" file1: _25_RowColumnsScanning.ino file2: _25_bitwise_pong_game_00.ino file3: _25_bitwise_pong_game_01.ino file4: _25_bitwise_pong_game_03.ino

26 #arduSerie - How to load programs to an Arduino UNO from Atmel Studio 7 - Description: "So you want to have a friendly IDE to encode your projects in arduino? Meet Atmel Studio 7!!! a powerfull IDE for your Arduino's Project. page : https://goo.gl/PSxDth" vid: https://youtu.be/hbPcWfWOJZY file1: _26_arduSerie_atmelStudio_00.ino

27 #arduSerie - Meeting Assembly — Hello World Arduino on Atmel Studio 7 - Description: "On this video I’ll tell you how an Arduino’s blink program works in assembly, trying this in the simulator on Atmel Studio 7 IDE and more... page: https://goo.gl/7qKbqS" vid: https://youtu.be/pInCtpDUz98 file1: _25_RowColumnsScanning.ino file2: _25_bitwise_pong_game_00.ino file3: _25_bitwise_pong_game_01.ino file4: _25_bitwise_pong_game_03.ino

28 #arduSerie - Arduino & SoundCard Oscilloscope: Pong Game - How It Works - Description: "Let's take a closer look at this cool code with the help of an Sound Card Oscilloscope from Christian Zeitnitz (https://www.zeitnitz.eu/scope_en). Visit page : https://goo.gl/ON9NIr" vid: https://youtu.be/Syas7W4Jft8 file1: _25_RowColumnsScanning.ino file2: _25_bitwise_pong_game_00.ino file3: _25_bitwise_pong_game_01.ino file4: _25_bitwise_pong_game_03.ino

29 #arduSerie - ATtiny85 Easy Flashing Through Arduino : Programming ATtiny85 in 10 steps - Description: How to program ATtiny85. Here, I summarized everything for you in 10 steps and less than 10 minutes away... Visit page: http://highlowtech.org/?p=1695 GitHub: https://gist.github.com/giljr/36cc2261eaa052cba83fc98c77502673 file: _29_Blink_Flash_ATTINY85.ino

30 #arduSerie - Fast Rainbow Circuit : Three PWM Signal w/ ATtiny85 - Description: Getting 3 PWM from ATtiny85 and drive RGB LED in a round-fashion mode like rainbow is not a trivial task. But anyway, let’s jump straight to the codes. Here they are:... Visit page: https://goo.gl/ltXjBC GitHub: https://github.com/giljr/Ardu_Serie GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUTDlrdnBIUFYta2M file1: _30_ATTINY_pwmGraphicGeneration.ino file2: _30_arduSerie_ATTiny85_one_PWM_output.ino file3: _30_arduSerie_ATTiny85_two_PWM_output.ino file4: _30_arduSerie_ATTiny85_three_PWM_output.ino file5: _30_arduSerie_ATTiny85_four_PWM_output.ino

31 #arduSerie - Shift Registers Types: 74HC595 & 74HC164 : Shift Registers — How it Works! - Description: What is the difference between 74hc595 and 74hc164. Anyway, how do the shift register work? Visit page: https://goo.gl/GcZxCR GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUMzVxTWlLZ2NkNWM file1: _31_arduSerie_sketch_01.74HC164.ino.ino file2: _31_arduSerie_sketch_02.74HC595.ino.ino

32 #arduSerie - Sonar Judge The Distance Circuit: Circuito ‘Golpe de Vista’ - Description: How about that, sound and vibrate your cell? There you are! Here is a Golpe de Vista circuit for building garages that are getting tighter and tighter: Visit page: https://goo.gl/BhLG8C GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUU0FoY21iaFNHY1E file1: _32_arduSerie_sketch_01.No_Bluetooth.ino.ino file2: _32_arduSerie_sketch_02.With_Bluetooth.ino

33 #arduSerie - nRF24L0 — Popular RF module using with Arduino ! Radio Hello World Sketches - Description: We provide easy to follow build instructions set up for 2 radios, ready to use code examples and a friendly breadboard!: Visit page: https://goo.gl/H8i0rT GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUeUxBYTNJYVBQbEE file1: _33_nRF24L01_SimpleTransmitRadio.ino file2: _33_nRF24L01_SimpleReceiveRadio.ino

34 #arduSerie - GY-85 — A quick datasheet study ADXL335 How it Works - Description: In this post we will unlock the accelerometer — ADXL335— off the board: Visit page: https://goo.gl/rdL4uY GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8iMbc-iQqlUQUZrOGhkRmluOG8?usp=sharing file1: _34_Sensor_ADXL345_Template.ino file2: _34_accelerometer_code.ino file3: _34_gyroscope_code.ino File4: _34_magnetometer_code.ino

35 #arduSerie - J3 Balacing Car - Parts 1 2 3 4 & 5- Description: A robot that balancing itself! A Awesome project based on Your Arduino Balancing Robot (YABR) by Joop Brokking. Visit page: https://goo.gl/R25hLc GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUUENFdmVwUzd6azA
file1: _35_Balancing_Robot_00.ino
file2: _35_Balancing_Robot_5_Butts_01.ino
file3: _35_ProMini_StepDownConverter_DRV8825_StepperMotor_02.ino
File4: _35_ProMini_StepDownConverter_DRV8825_StepperMotor_BatMon_03.ino File5: _35_GY85_ADXL345_Accelerometer_06.ino
This code simplifies sensor’s data acquisition and does this simultaneously, as recommended by the data sheet! forms a code pattern for the other sensors. It deserves increased attention! File6: _35_GY85__ITG3205_Gyroscope_07.ino Notice the definitions. They follow the names of data sheet’s real registers. File7: _35_J3BC_Hardware_Scanner_10.ino.in Based on the Arduino Scanner code, it rotates at the I2C addresses to discover the components of the GY-85 board and Wii Nunchuk. It should be adapted if you use another IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) board other than GY-85 . File8: _35_ArduinoNunchukDemo_09.ino.in Follow the improved Wii Nunchuk library for Arduino of GabrielBianconi/arduino-nunchuk. It works like a breeze! File9: _35_Sending_Serial_Counter_12.ino This code simply sends a count from Arduino UNO for initial tests of the radio transmitting. File10: _35_Receiving_Serial_Data_11.ino This code receives the data that arrives at the serial of the Arduino Pro Mini. File11: _35_GY85_HMC5883L_Magnetometer_08.ino and for this documentation to be complete, I also offer the code for the magnetometer, although not used in this project (who knows in another version?;)

36 #arduSerie - J3TLC — TimeLapse Camera Project - JayThree TimeLapse CAMERA brought to life using a @Seeed Grove_CAM and @Sparkfun Pro_Micro. Wellcome! Jungletronics: https://goo.gl/NNHrc2 GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iMbc-iQqlUMXBPZElMa2hUM1U file1: _36_RTC_Read_Write_Adjust_ArduinoBoard_00 file2: _36_SDCard_Write_Read_File_01 file3: _36_SDCard_Dump_File_02 File4: _36_Log_RTC_SDCard_04 file5: _36_Test_SerialCamera_CJ_OV528_05 file6: _36_Grove_Serial_TimeLapseCAM_06 YouTube: Presenting : https://youtu.be/xKKdBASA1wI Duration: 0:52 vid: 01 Soldering Guide: https://youtu.be/v34RUw2zU8E Duration: 4:00 vid: 02 Initial Testing: https://youtu.be/micVEoKVMIM Duration: 1:54 vid: 03 Final testing : https://youtu.be/ijD78AnUtDk Duration: 4:44 vid: 04 InTheAfternoon : https://youtu.be/M8Z4J7vcboE Duration: 0:09 vid: 05 SunsetWideAngle: https://youtu.be/DNkTlXtqQ_I Duration: 0:17 vid: 06 InTheMorning : https://youtu.be/bRO4C65nyAw Duration: 0:17 vid 07

43 #arduSerie - Arduino & Atmel Studio 7 — CTC Moder - Quick study on CTC (Clear Timer on Compare) - Description: will see step-by-step how to use the CTC Mode feature in our projects based on http://maxembedded.com/2011/07/avr-timers-ctc-mode/ by Mayank. Visit page: http://maxembedded.com/2011/07/avr-timers-ctc-mode/ GDrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ez3NqwGfYCq76XJ-B01P36AlXCyOS_Vh Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/arduino-atmel-studio-7-ctc-mode-782e8fdc8c80 Youtube: https://youtu.be/sIaVdtgFjmc and https://youtu.be/Umo5PFym7wM Codes For Atmel Studio 7 Working w/CTC Mode Part I - Atmega328p IC - Arduino MC file 1: _43_working_w_CTC_01 Working w/CTC w/Interruption Mode Part II - Atmega328p IC - Arduino MC file 2: _43_working_w_CTC_w_INT_02 Working w/CTC w/Interruption w/ Mode Part III - Atmega328p IC - Arduino MC file 3: _43_working_w_CTC_w_INT_w_OCRnx_03 Code For Arduino 1.8.5 Working w/CTC Mode Part IV - Atmega328p IC - Arduino MC file 4: _43_timer2_toggle_LED_01.ino

44 #arduSerie - Quick Fun Speed Lab -Closed Loop Motion Control - Description: An 80mm cooling fan has a built-in brushless DC motor, a controller, and a tachometer output for measuring the fan speed, making it an excellent tool for studying closed-loop motion-control (CLMC) - We’ll use a common 80mm computer cooling 3-wire fan in these experiments...based on Book: Arduino Internals : Google Drive GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S4uE2BlcivtCSLg0sW6IrQh6z1FB-vX2?usp=sharing Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/quick-fun-speed-lab-39b0cbc53303 Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/Giljr2012 files: _44_Tachometer_Reading_Ticks_01 ; _44_Tachometer_Reading_Ticks_02; _44_Tachometer_Graph_Generator_Code_03

45 #arduSerie - Arduino Multi File Sketch — A clean Coding Technique In Arduino IDE - Description: Hi, Your code for the project is getting pretty long in the Arduino IDE? Is there a good way to split things up a bit using multiple files with headers and all that? yes! READ ON...based on Board: 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield Blue Backlight For Arduino - The work of Arduino Magix : How to Use Arduino Tabs and Code Spliting in Arduino IDE - Download all Files from Google Drive GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XFUW2bAYezpm6RgeAjp9wusVc0rrDe0O?usp=sharing Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/arduino-multi-file-sketch-583a7833162c Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/Giljr2012 files: _45_working_w_MultiFile_Sketch_00- 04 and _45_woking_w_MultiFile_Sketch_Templete

47 #arduSerie - L9100S— Toy Driver Easy To Use - Toy-low-voltage-h-bridge-easy-to-use-motor — .8A@12v peak  - Description: What PWM Driving Circuit may I used in my J3C3 robot? This post continues the study from Quick Intro To Motor Drivers (see links below).- Download all Files from Google Drive GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JgAWERHB5bcBl7eV34BtYFrwKPLAlXUD?usp=sharing Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/j3c3-controlling-motor-db024ea23bdb Youtube:https://youtu.be/hkULJnR1Yjc files: _47_L9110_test_motor_01.ino AND _47_L9110_test_motor_02.ino AND _47_L9110_test_motor_03.ino AND _47_L9110_test_motor_04.ino

48 #arduSerie - EASYDRIVER: 4-Wire-Stepper Motor Driver - Brian Schmalz Design on A3967 IC — Bi-Polar Motors — .75A@30v peak — Making Using This a Breeze!- Description: This time we will analyze EasyDriver: An Open Source Hardware Stepper Motor Drive. by http://www.schmalzhaus.com/EasyDriver/ - Download all Files from Google Drive: Jungletronics:https://medium.com/jungletronics/easydriver-4-wire-stepper-motor-driver-9f32b233efe6 Youtube: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCjA6p6AqpEAX431CyMmepHQ/videos files: _48_EASYDRIVER_test_motor_01.ino

59 #arduSerie - DRV8825 — High Current Stepper Motor Driver Carrier - Stepper Motor — Bipolar Mode — 2.5A@45v peak - Goal: Hi, this is a higher-performance drop-in replacement for A4988 stepper motor driver carriers boards in many applications - Description: Simple to use and it is quite robust. I used this driver in my car balance project. - Download all Files from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11p_TV1xLFIJyVz4L2BPu8EQUDP0_ab6R?usp=sharing Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/drv8825-high-current-stepper-motor-driver-carrier-b51eead97fe8 Youtube: https://youtu.be/M_7RjJQVzD8 file: _59_DRV8825_StepperMotor_01.ino.ino

52 #arduSerie - L298N — Dual Full-Bridge Driver - Darlington Transistor Arrays Based — 3A@50v peak- Description: Goal: run two 12v 350 RPM motors on one L298N Driver. These motors are part of my project Meet J3C3 — Assembly Techniques — J3 Caterpillar-Crawler-Chassis v 1.0 — ArduSerie#52- https://medium.com/jungletronics/l298n-dual-full-bridge-driver-337321f593ee - Download all Files from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PRXjSmwGZTI7B9YMNX2fqI0B7HUEAdB?usp=sharing Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/l298n-dual-full-bridge-driver-337321f593ee Youtube: https://youtu.be/pgbwNVlxGZQ AND https://youtu.be/5M1AhwXKxHE files: _52_L298N_DualDriver_01.ino.ino AND _52_L298N_DualDriver_02.ino.ino

53 #arduSerie - A4988 — Stepper Motor Driver Carrier - Allegro’s A4988 — Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver — 2A@35v peak Description: This breakout board for Allegro’s A4988 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver features adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and five different microstep resolutions (down to 1/16-step). Goal: run Run on Nema 17 12 volts, .5 A. These motors are part of my project https://medium.com/jungletronics/jaythree-balancing-car-project-part-5-5-2aaa48924428 - Download all Files from Google Drive: Jungletronics: https://medium.com/jungletronics/a4988-stepper-motor-driver-carrier-bc25497a9d9c Youtube: file: _53_A4988_StepperMotor_01.ino