🌉 Modular Multi-Directional Blockchain Bridge to interact with Multiple Networks; Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Substrate, based chains. Stay tuned for ChainBridge Hub!
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Error tranfering NFT from Ethereum Goerli to Polygon Edge: proposal execution is skipped
#796 opened by pedro-haeser-cryptotao - 0
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import an ethereum keystore Lack of newPassword option
#767 opened by Hcreak - 0
Add-minter error: CALL_EXCEPTION | MINTER_ROLE()
#775 opened by KIARI-Abdel - 2
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Declare new event type
#739 opened by tungnnt - 8
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ERC-721 crashes the Relayer on second send
#696 opened by FFEvan - 1
Which ChainBridge version is the most matched with chainbridge-solidity v2.1.3(tag) ?
#804 opened by kookob - 5
where is your bridge contract?
#798 opened by feiyiban - 0
chainbridge start report error
#795 opened by feiyiban - 2
"concurrent map writes" error
#780 opened by DmitriyMolch - 1
unsupported metadata version 14
#782 opened by devanshubhadouria - 2
cb-sol-cli cannot deploy Eth contracts... Cannot find module 'commander'
#783 opened by AuroraLantean - 1
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Support for Substrate metadata v14
#748 opened by tdelabro - 2
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zsh: command not found: chainbridge
#717 opened by coursewarefactory - 3
Can not transfer from Ethereum to Substrate
#725 opened by tungnnt - 4
What to do when a proposal is canceled/rejected
#740 opened by sigoden - 2
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relayer node fails to start
#734 opened by unegare - 1
Approve bridge to assume custody of tokens one time
#736 opened by tungnnt - 4
Confuse about processing deposit event in listener
#730 opened by chzyer - 6
Chain configuration doesn't accept hex values
#723 opened by zivkovicmilos - 0
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Failed to submit any transaction on Ethereum testnet
#724 opened by tungnnt - 0
Config for Infura node
#722 opened by tungnnt - 2
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UI aborting transfers
#700 opened by ChronicSmoke - 1
1559 style transactions getting stuck
#704 opened by mbaxter - 6
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Doc typos with `account` command
#688 opened by GregTheGreek - 0
TX send with gas price above max
#697 opened by vezenovm - 6
Got memory access panic when start chanbridge
#693 opened by tolak - 0
Stuck voteProposal
#691 opened by vezenovm - 1
No config.json.example file
#694 opened by eliotstock - 0
Layer 2 Solution: Matic & Optimism
#667 opened by taha-be - 0
ChainBridgeX: Governance
#668 opened by taha-be - 0
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UI Customization & Deployment
#673 opened by taha-be - 0
Deployment & Maintenance
#674 opened by taha-be - 0
Research Matic <> Optimism bridge
#666 opened by P1sar