
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hero Calls

This repository is a set of contract puzzles intended to work on call and delegatecall.

Each solidity file corresponds to a test file with the same index on it. Go through each contract and complete the TODOs to pass the test cases in order to complete all the challenges.

For the sake of the challenges, do not change anything about the test cases before getting them to pass. After you pass the test cases, you're welcome to change them how you'd like!

Challenge 1: Sidekick Call

Open contracts/Contracts1.sol to check out this first challenge. Inside the Sidekick contract, you'll see a TODO to alert the hero. Complete this call to successfully call the Hero's alert function.

When you have completed this TODO, run the tests with npx hardhat test test/test1.js.

Challenge 2: Ambush

Open contracts/Contracts2.sol for the second challenge. This time the Sidekick will need to alert the Hero of the number of enemies to expect and whether they are armed or not (oh no)!

When you have completed this TODO, run the tests with npx hardhat test test/test2.js

Challenge 3: Delegating

Open contracts/Contracts3.sol for the third challenge. Notice that both the Sidekick and Behavior are sharing a storage layout in the Storage contract. For this challenge, use the recordAmbush function of the Behavior contract to change storage inside of the sidekick. Ensure that only the headquarters can warn of this ambush, otherwise revert.

When you have completed this TODO, run the tests with npx hardhat test test/test3.js

Challenge 4: Supercharge

Open contracts/Contracts4.sol for the fourth challenge. There's an issue here. The Hero can be hacked and lose ownership of their contract! If you take a look at the test cases you can see that the villian is taking over the contract and calling destroy to selfdestruct it!

How is this happening? Can you spot the bug here and fix it so the Hero can still superCharge without being vulnerable?

When you have completed this TODO, run the tests with npx hardhat test test/test4.js

Challenge 5: BadFriend

Open contracts/Contracts5.sol for the fifth challenge. For this challenge, your goal is to help the bad friend in their malicious plan to stop the Hero from connecting to the good friend. If the Behavior contract sent a delegatecall into the BadFriend contract, what kind of damage could be done?

When you have completed this TODO, run the tests with npx hardhat test test/test5.js