Mediumblog-cards 📢

Fetch your medium blog information and display it in your github profile.

![Harshal Jadhav Medium](

Harshal Jadhav Medium

Example 📚

Simply paste the markdown in your github readme

![Harshal Jadhav Medium](

Or open the url in your browser.

Query params

Use the ?username= of your Medium's account to feth the blogCards.
Use the &limit= for the number of cards to fetch.
Use the &type= (horizontal or vertical) for alignment.

Vertical type

![Harshal Jadhav Medium](]

Harshal Jadhav Medium]

Deploy your own

Deploy the code to your vercel account. Deploy with Vercel

Author 😇

My email id,

Harshal Jadhav


It's all your's 🎁