
Example to demonstrate usage of Redux with Vanilla JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example to demonstrate usage of Redux with Vanilla JavaScript

Application Demo

Redux with Vanilla Javascript

To-Do List

We will be creating To-Do list with Vanilla JavaScript and later on add Redux for state Management.

Redux with React is considered confusing because there are libraries like react-redux that wraps up the ground work you need to do to setup Redux.

With this example, we will understand how Redux works without these libraries on Vanilla JavaScript.

Using Vanilla JavaScript

We use one state object to store all the information of our application.

let appState = {
    totalItems: 0,
    todo: {},
    completed: {},
    pending: {}

We will be storing items in the below format.

completed: {
  1: {
    item: "Learn React"
  2: {
    item: "Learn Redux"

Using Redux

We will be using 4 individual states to manage data in our application.

completedList: {}
  1: {item: "Learn React"}
todoList: {
  1: {item: "Learn React"}
totalItems: {count: 1}


We bind our Action Creators to store dispatch methods.

// Dispatch binding functions
const bindAddTotalItems = () => store.dispatch(addTotalItems());
const bindAddTodoList = (todo) => store.dispatch(addTodoList(todo));
const bindAddPendingList = (todo) => store.dispatch(addPendingList(todo));

function addTodo(todo){

Whenever we need to get current state, we use store.getState()

// Add new to-do item
function addTodoList(todo){
    return {
        type: ADD_TODO_LIST,
        payload: {
            count: store.getState()['totalItems']['count'],


We have Reducers to manage individual state objects. We avoid state mutation by returning new state.

// Add total to-do items
function reducer_totalItems_todo_add(state = {count: 0},action){
        case ADD_TOTAL_ITEMS:
            return {...state, count: state.count+1};
            return state;

Combine reducers will combine results of all the state in one single object. We can access this object via store.

const todoApp = Redux.combineReducers({
    totalItems: reducer_totalItems_todo_add,
    todoList: reducer_addTodoList,
    pendingList: reducer_PendingList,
    completedList: reducer_CompleteList


We create a store by passing object from combine reducers.

const store = Redux.createStore(todoApp);

We can listen to changes to state by subscribing to store.

const UnSubscribe = store.subscribe(()=>{

Additional References

Getting started with Materialize CSS

Guide for Immutability