In this project, let's build Authentication Functionality by applying the concepts we have learned till now.

Refer to the image below:


Design Files

Click to view

Set Up Instructions

Click to view
  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added

The app must have the following functionalities

  • When an unauthenticated user tries to access the Home Route or About Route, then the page should be navigated to the Login Route
  • When an authenticated user tries to access the Home Route, or About Route, then the page should be navigated to the respective route
  • When an authenticated user tries to access the Login Route, then the page should be redirected to Home Route
  • When the Logout button is clicked then the page should be navigated to the Login Route
  • When a random path is provided in the URL then the page should be navigated to the Not Found Route
API Requests & Responses



Method: POST


Returns a response based on the credentials provided

Sample Success Response

  "jwt_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InJhaHVsIiwicm9sZSI6IlBSSU1FX1VTRVIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTk2Mjg2MTN9.nZDlFsnSWArLKKeF0QbmdVfLgzUbx1BGJsqa2kc_21Y"
Components Structure
authentication functionality login and home components structure

authentication functionality about and not found components structure

Implementation Files

Use these files to complete the implementation:

  • src/App.js
  • src/components/Login/index.js
  • src/components/Login/index.css
  • src/components/Header/index.js
  • src/components/Header/index.css
  • src/components/Home/index.js
  • src/components/Home/index.css
  • src/components/About/index.js
  • src/components/About/index.css
  • src/components/LogoutButton/index.js
  • src/components/LogoutButton/index.css
  • src/components/NotFound/index.js
  • src/components/NotFound/index.css
  • src/components/ProtectedRoute/index.js

Important Note

Click to view

The following instructions are required for the tests to pass

  • Home route should consist of / in the URL path

  • Login route should consist of /login in the URL path

  • About route should consist of /about in the URL path

  • No need to use the BrowserRouter in App.js as we have already included in index.js

  • As this project is mainly designed for Authentication Functionality and does not contain any input fields, use the below sample user credentials to login

    • User credentials

      username: rahul
      password: rahul@2021


  • Roboto

Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests.
  • Do not remove the pre-filled code
  • Want to quickly review some of the concepts you’ve been learning? Take a look at the Cheat Sheets.