
In this we will be analyzing the machine learning model predictions on the titanic dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In this we will be analyzing the machine learning model predictions on the titanic dataset

I have given the dataset if you want to check more datasets visit kaggle.com .

First we are checking what the data consists off.

Then the next step is of Data Preprocessing where we take care of all the null values.Here I have dropped the 'Cabin' columns as there was too much null values to be taken care off.

For the 'Age' column I have decided to fill it with it's 'median' values. You could also take the 'mean' value for this purpose.

In one model I have normalized the data in the other model I have standardized the data. In this case Standardization has produced better results than normalization.

Here I have used two supervised machine learning algorithms for predicting the output 'Logistic Regression' and 'SVM Classifier'.