Soul Bound Tokens

Primary LanguageSolidity

Foundry Developed

Account Bound Tokens

ABT or Soul Bound tokens are non-transferrable tokens that - once assigned cannot be transferred to any other accounts. The holder of the token can burn the token. These tokens can be used to represent identity.

Interfaces used:

  1. IERC165
  2. IERC721Metadata
  3. IERC4973



Name Type Description
_name string Name for the token
_symbol string Symbol for the token

Registers the IERC4973, IERC721Metadata interface ID to the ERC165Storage contract and sets the deployer of the contract as the admin.


function name() public view returns(string memory)

Returns the name of the token.


function symbol() public view returns(string memory)

Returns the symbol of the token.


function tokenId() public view returns(uint256)

Returns the current tokenId that is minted.


function admin() public view returns(address)

Returns the current admin of the contract.


function changeAdmin(address newAdmin) external onlyAdmin
Name Type Description
newAdmin address New address for the admin

Allows the admin of the contract to change the current admin role.


function mint(address _to, string memory _uri) external onlyAdmin
Name Type Description
_to address Address to mint the token to
_uri string URI for the token

Allows the admin of the contract to mint new token to the _to address.


function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external
Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Token Id to burn

Allows the admin of the contract or the owner of the token to burn the token.


function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address)
Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Token Id

Returns the owner of particular token if it exits.


function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory)
Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Token Id

Returns the uri of particular token if it exits.


Run forge tests

forge test


Run forge scripts

forge script script/SFT.s.sol --rpc-url $RINKEBY_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast -vvvv