
Library to control LCD1602 Liquid Crystal Displays like from ESP8266 mcu's through I2C bus

Primary LanguageC++


  • A fork from https://github.com/agnunez/ESP8266-I2C-LCD1602

  • ESP-8266 LCD1602 Lyquid Crystal Display alternative tiny library using I2C bus as connection

  • I2C Scanner example solves I2C address problem arises due I2C modules with different drivers

  • Works with any of ESP8266 smd or development boards such as ESP8266 ESP-12E, ESP-12F, NodeMCU, Wemos etc.

  • Compatible with the Arduino IDE 1.6.6

  • I2C_Scanner example added to library to find out I2C address of any I2C module

  • For more information visit blog post