A community website based on webpages made by contributors.

Primary LanguageHTML


A project based on a community website made by humans.

The end goal plan is to interlink all the pages together into one big website. :D

This project was inspired by https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/

Once the project has grown enough, it will be on it's own custom domain and any changes will be in real-time.


Create webpages/code snippets using any scripting/markdown/progamming lanaguge! Anyone can contribute anything as long as it stays appropriate. 
(No swearing, No sexual content, No racist/sexist content, etc.) 
1. Once you created your page, add a link on `index.html` linking to your page/code snippet.
Ex: `<a href=/CWP/helloworld.html>Hello World Page</a>`
2. Add your name and GitHub profile link on CONTRIBUTORS.md.
Ex: `- Derpyhsi https://github.com/Derpyhsi`
Bonus: If you created a code snippet, add it to the code snippet page.