
Python: tkinter dependency is not in requirements.txt

Eirikur opened this issue · 7 comments

That's it. If I had more energy, I'd fix it.

tkinter should be pre-installed and no need to install using requirements.txt. Did you get some error?

I ran into the same problem with python3 install from apt on Ubuntu.

If this is the case for you, you can either install a custom version like recommended on stackoverflow

Or use a dependency manager like Anaconda. Personally miniconda worked for me.

I also had the same problem but I found how to do it. I made a GUI Application using Tkinter and had to call API's. This is what I typed in the requirements document to make my Application run.
Pillow >= 7

Fix added to

xjcl commented

@uxp123 tk refers to the TensorKit package, NOT tkinter! Try sudo apt-get install python3-tk


I have an app that does not use Tkinter directly. It uses turtle. But when I try deploying it on digital ocean, the run-time log says:
File "/workspace/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/", line 107, in <module> [nftrees] [2022-07-16 08:24:44] import tkinter as TK [nftrees] [2022-07-16 08:24:44] File "/workspace/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/tkinter/", line 37, in <module> [nftrees] [2022-07-16 08:24:44] import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk [nftrees] [2022-07-16 08:24:44] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'

I can't finde any way to install it or add it in my requirements.txt