
Build, manage and track your achievements/accomplishments

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This application lets you create and manage a pool of all of your achievements. You can use this pool when building a resume and pick the achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository
  • cd CV-Tracker
  • npm install to install dependencies
  • cd database and execute either node DB-blank.js or sqlite3 DB.db < DB-blank.sql (requires the SQLite command-line tools to work) to setup a blank database and its schema
  • You can also use the following commands to setup a blank database and its schema
sqlite3 DB.db
.read DB-blank.sql
  • Edit package.json and set the icon's extension depending upon your OS (.ico for Windows, .png for Linux and .icns for MacOS)
  • npm run make
  • The executable application will be created in the CV-Tracker/out/cv-tracker-{architecture}/ directory

How to Use

  • Run the application, go to the Add tab and start adding events
  • You can view and edit the events in the Home tab (right click on an event row to edit it)
  • If a column is set as a collapsible column (accessed by right clicking on a column name), all rows in that table having the same value in the collapsible column will be bunched together (a table can have atmost 1 collapsible column)
  • Columns with names Level and Duration are special in that they display the value differently than how it is stored
  • Level column expects a value between 0 and 5 inclusive, and displays it as: ●●●○○ (if the value is 3)
  • Date should be in YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD format where the first date is the start date and the second date is the end date (optional)
  • Example of single date: 2021-12-20. Example of start and end date: 2020-01-08:2021-12-20
  • You can visualize a timeline of the events in the Timeline tab (if an event doesn't have a duration, it won't appear on the timeline)
  • To get a backup of your database, go to CV-Tracker/out/cv-tracker-{architecture}/resources/app/database/ directory and execute either sqlite3 DB.db .dump > DB-dump.sql or the following commands
sqlite3 DB.db
.once DB-dump.sql
  • To restore your database from a backup file, copy the DB-dump.sql file into CV-Tracker/out/cv-tracker-{architecture}/resources/app/database/ directory and execute either sqlite3 DB.db < DB-dump.sql or the following commands
sqlite3 DB.db
.read DB-dump.sql