[ 🚧👷♀️⛏ Made In Kenya 🔧️👷🚧 ]
We have created this repo so that we can use it to document other resourceful repositories by Kenyans which are currently having a global impact.
For more details on how to contribute please see our little Contribution Guidelines. We hope you will help us make this repo useful in days to come
Seriously Kenyan!
C/C++ | C# | CSS | Dart | Go | Java | JavaScript | Kotlin | PHP | Python | Ruby | Other
- winapi-code-snippets - Winapi code snippets. By @JacksiroKe
- QtCreator wakatime plugin - Wakatime plugin for QtCreator. By @BrianOrwe
- SharpClipboard - A library for anonymously monitoring clipboard entries. By @WillyKimura
- BetterFolderBrowser - A component library that delivers a better folder-browsing and selection experience. By @WillyKimura
- TrialMaker - A simplified and powerful library that provides secure free-trial license generation and copy-protection features for .NET applications. By @WillyKimura
- flutter_chips_input - Flutter input field that takes in Material Chips as entries. By @danvickmiller
- flutter_form_builder - Simple form builder for Flutter. By @danvickmiller
- flutter_touch_spin - Simple number input spinner Widget for Flutter. By @danvickmiller
- PopNavigator - An animated navigation bar for Android devices, built using Java. By @poppinjay13
- Kenyan Counties - An android library that displays a list of all kenyan counties for selection. Useful in apps that prompts users to provide their location. By @iam_martin_mbae
- Kenyan Postal Codes - An android library that displays a list of all kenyan postal codes for selection. By @iam_martin_mbae
- ngx-translate-nativescript-loader - A loader for
internationalization library that loads locally stored translations for NativeScript Angular. By @danvickmiller - kenya-api - RESTFul API documenting information about country Kenya(its people, government, institutions, health, culture, energy, finance, infrastructure, geographical sites,population,industries, tribes,postal_codes e.t.c). By @amjohnphilip
- Checki - An Android library to check for network and internet connection changes By @muth0mi
- CleanArch-MVVM-ArchComponents - An Android app consuming Star Wars API [RESTful].Built with clean architecture + MVVM pattern, Dagger2 , Coroutines ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase and includes Unit $ UI Tests By @_davidodari
- ElegantDialog - A beautiful, customizable and interactive dialog for Android written in Kotlin/Java 😍. By @keshwhatsup
- Neat Android Stepper - A stepper library for android. Steppers are used to display progress of logically separated sections.[By @ENERDSTONE
- Neat Form - A library for generating android views using JSON specification you can also perform complex calculations using Rules Engine, validate views and add skip logic (hiding views based on conditions provided) By @ENERDSTONE
- Laravel Nova Timenow - A Laravel Nova card to display the current time from different timezones in the world ⏰. By @richard_keep
- Covid-19 Stats - A small Laravel app to display Covid-19 Stats from different countries in the world. Uses Laravel, Livewire & TailwindCSS 😷. By @richard_keep
pympesa|daraja-mpesa - A python wrapper around mpesa's daraja API making it easy for developers to integrate MPESA into their python code.. By @TralahM
Chatz-UI - Desktop chat UI with emoji support built with python and pyqt - Built by @ansh3ll
ColorDetect - Identify and recognize different colors in an image. With a given image file, get the colors present and their percentage presence in the image. Save this onto the image itself. By @Marvin
- ReadMe-MasterTemplates - How to write good ReadMe docs for all your projects on github.. By @tamrefrank
- Semantic-UI snippets - Semantic-UI snippets Visual Studio Code extension.. By @liciolentimo