
An event organised by GNU/Linux Users' Group, NIT Durgapur for the promotion of hacktoberfest 2019. Visit

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An event organised by GNU/Linux Users' Group, NIT Durgapur for the promotion of Hacktoberfest 2019 🎃

Date: Thursday 17th October, 2019
Venue: New Academic Building


#### Q. Who Part in this Event?
#### A. Anyone with a GITHUB Account.

#### Q. How Do I take Part in this event?
#### A. Follow the Contribution Guidelines given ahead.

#### Q. What do I get by participating in this contest?
#### A. Just send 4 PRs and get a Free T-Shirt from Digital Ocean.

Contribution Guidelines !

  • Fork and Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/lugnitdgp/Hactoberfest-Hack-Day-2019.git
cd Hactoberfest-Hack-Day-2019
  • Make a branch.
git checkout -b (branch-name)
  • Add your Profile Card.

    1. Open data.json file in any text editor.
    2. Add a dictionary to the profiles array in the following format.
         "image_link": "<link-to-your-avatar>",
         "handle": "<your-github-handle",
         "message": "<your-message-to-the-community>"
    3. Save your File.

    NOTE: Make sure to follow the format of dictionary. Commit message for profile card addition should be of the form Added profile profile_name

  • Commit your code.

git add .
git commit -m "(brief description of what you have changed/fixed)"
git push -u origin (branch name)
  • Go and open a pull request from your fork to the master branch of this repository. 🎉

  • Please ⭐ this repo to make it more visible to new contributors.