1).Requirements For building and running the application
- JDK 1.11.
- Springboot 2.4.0.
- PhpMyadmin or other mysql running tool.
2). simple DB Structure to store the product details
Variables | Data types | default value |
product_id | int(11) | notnull |
product_name | varchar(255) | notnull |
product_discription | varchar(255) | null |
getting coffee details from https://www.homegrounds.co/types-of-coffee/
db initialization
before you running this project you should configure your daddyscoffee.sql this is the way which I followed. Steps:
1.Install xampp or wampp on you machine
: Apache amd mysql servers
3.Enter the url: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
4.Create new database named-> daddyscoffee
5.Then Import daddyscoffee.sql file it is located on ****
3).how to run the application
1).On the command line
git clone https://github.com/Chamithfernando/-DaddysCoffeeApplication.git
2). Inside Eclipse,IntelliJ IDEA or STS
Download zipfile and extract it
File -> Import ->Existing project
2). Run the Application
1.visit the main class of Application.java file
2.right click on it and run.
3).Visit your browser:/ or PostMan
GetRequest http://localhost:8080/products/all --> for view all the products on the Coffee shop.
GetRequest http://localhost:8080/products/all/1 --> for view product by given productId.
GetRequest http://localhost:8080/order/all --> for view all the orders in Coffee shop.
GetRequest http://localhost:8080/order/all/1 --> for view all the orders by given orderId.
PostRequest http://localhost:8080/order/add --> for placing new Order in Coffee shop
3).Sample test
GetRequest http://localhost:8080/products/all --> [ { "productId": 1, "productName": "Black Coffee", "productDiscription": "imply put, black coffee is a combination of water and coffee without any milk" }, { "productId": 2, "productName": "Drip Coffee", "productDiscription": "As the name suggests, drip coffee involves dripping boiling water over ground coffee." }
PostRequest http://localhost:8080/order/add --> { "orderId": 9, "orderQuantity": 120, "orderDate": "2020-12-27T07:00:00.000+00:00" }
status : 201Created