
Primary LanguageTypeScript



  1. Node JS version 20.x.x (For multiple node versions use https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm)

  2. VS Code

  3. Install VS Code extensions

    • ESLint from Microsoft (shows code smell)
    • Prettier from Prettier (shows and auto format code which deviate from coding conventions)
    • Error Lens from Alexander (shows errors/warnings right on that line of code)

    For full list of recommended extensions, see this file

  4. Docker desktop https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/

  5. Install pnpm (If there's a another pnpm installation remove it first otherwise pnpm won't be updated)

    npm install -g pnpm@latest
  6. Copy .env.example to .env

    chmod +x ./setup.sh
  7. Start docker container

    pnpm docker:compose
  8. Your desired DB tools (Recommend: TablePlus)

    And test connecting to the DB

  9. Install dependencies

    pnpm i
  10. Execute app command from root (See: package.json)

    pnpm [app_name] [command]


NOTE: Sample command are meant to run from root workspace

  1. Run migrations

    pnpm backend typeorm:migration:run
  2. Run seed

    pnpm backend seed
  3. Run backend

    # development
    pnpm backend start:dev
    # production mode
    pnpm backend start:prod
  4. Test

    # unit tests
    pnpm backend test:unit
    # e2e tests
    pnpm backend test:e2e
    # coverage report
    pnpm backend test:unit:cov
    pnpm backend test:e2e:cov
  5. Build

    pnpm backend build

For additional commands please see "script" section of package.json


NOTE: Sample command are meant to run from root workspace

  1. Run Frontend

    # development
    pnpm frontend dev
    # production mode
    pnpm frontend start
  2. Test

    # unit tests
    pnpm frontend test
  3. Build

    pnpm frontend build

For additional commands please see "script" section of package.json


NOTE: Sample command are meant to run from root workspace

  1. Run Playwright test

    # require production build
    pnpm frontend build
    pnpm backend build
    # use webServer to start production build of frontend & backend
    pnpm playwright test

For additional commands please see "script" section of package.json

Screenshots & Recordings


Going to make 3 withdrawals:

  • £140
  • £50
  • £90

The ATM App


Desktop Desktop

Mobile Mobile