#서버 이전을 위해 로그를 수집해달라는 요청이 들어와서 로그를 수집하려합니다.
https://github.com/ChanLIM/script 페이지를 fork 합니다. (본인 repo)
본인의 repo에 script repository가 생기면 들어가서 git 주소 복사.
ex.) https://github.com/본인계정/script.git
본인 개인 서버에 접속하여
git clone https://github.com/본인계정/script.git
cd script
생성된 script 폴더로 가서,
git remote add upstream https://github.com/본인계정/script.git
sudo sh cfg2html-linux.sh
로 해당 쉘 스크립트를 실행하시면, 다음 파일들이 생성됩니다.
tako@2080ti:~/script/Linux/Cfg2html_Linux$ ls
2080ti.err 2080ti.html 2080ti.partitions.save 2080ti.txt cfg2html-linux.sh README
해당 디렉토리에서
rm -rf *tar.gz 로 다른 사람들의 압축파일을 없애고,
tar --exclude='./.git' -czvf 본인이름.tar.gz .
로 남은 파일들을 압축한 후, (끝에 점 중요)
git checkout -b upstream
git add 본인이름.tar.gz
git commit
git push origin upstream
를 차례로 입력하시고,
output으로 나온 주소 ex.) https://github.com/본인계정/script/pull/new/BRANCHNAME
로 가서
pull request 해주시기 바랍니다.
Pull request 후 본인 repo에서 script repo는 삭제하시면 됩니다.
참고사이트 : https://wayhome25.github.io/git/2017/07/08/git-first-pull-request-story/
Cfg2Html (c) by ROSE SWE, Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Roth
This is the "swiss army knife" for the ASE, CE, sysadmin etc. I wrote it to get the nessary informations to plan an update, to performe basic trouble shooting or performance analysis. As a bonus cfg2html creates a nice HTML and plain ASCII documentation. If you are missing something, let me know it!
For security reasons it is better to store the HTML and ASCII files in a safe place where only root user have access. Then remove the files from your file system.
Usage: cfg2html_linux.sh [OPTION] creates HTML and plain ASCII host documentation
-o set directory to write or use the environment variable OUTDIR="/path/to/dir" (directory must exist -v output version information and exit -h display this help and exit
use the following options to disable collections:
-s disable: System -c disable: Cron -S disable: Software -f disable: Filesystem -l disable: LVM -k disable: Kernel -e disable: Enhancements -n disable: Network -a disable: Applications -H disable: Hardware -x don't create background images
To get a new version visit: http://www.cfg2html.com
Original HP Version: Ralph Roth, ROSE SWE, rose_swe@hotmail.com
Linux port : Michael Meifert dk3hg@users.sourceforge.net cfg2html_linux ported (c) by Michael Meifert, SysAdm using a Debian i386 System
For your information, there are SUN and SCO versions available:
Solaris port : Trond E. Aune, SysAdm t505414@online.no SCO port : Jan Damen, Support Specialist jdamen@triple-p.nl