When you execute your code a shell prompt of the following form must appear: <username@system_name:curr_dir> E.g. <Name@UBUNTU:~>
- cd : To change the current directory
- pwd : Prints the current path
- echo : Prints
Implement ls [al] – (it should be able to handle
- ls
- ls -l
- ls -a
- ls -la
All other commands are treated as system commands like : emacs, vi and so on.
Foreground processes: For example, executing a "vi" command in the foreground implies that the
shell will wait for this process to complete and regain control when this process exits.
Background processes: Any command invoked with "&" is treated as background command.
This implies that the shell will spawn that process and doesn't wait for the process to exit. It will
keep taking user commands.
<Name@UBUNTU:> ls &
This command when finished, will print its result to stdout.
<Name@UBUNTU:> emacs &
<Name@UBUNTU:~> ls -l -a
pinfo : prints the process related info of your shell program.
Apart from the user defined commands, all other commands are treated as system commands like:
emacs, vi and so on.
Foreground processes: For example, executing a "vi" command in the foreground implies that your shell will
wait for this process to complete and regain control when this process exits.
Background processes: Any command invoked with "&" is treated as background command.
This command when finished, should print its result to stdout.
<NAME@UBUNTU:> emacs &
<NAME@UBUNTU:> ls -l -a
<NAME@UBUNTU:> echo hello
As and when emacs exits, your shell program should check the exit status of emacs and print it
on stderr
emacs with pid 456 exited normally
Output of running one (or more) commands must be redirected to a file. Similarly, a command might
be prompted to read input data from a file and asked to write output to another file.
E.g. Output redirection
<NAME@UBUNTU:> diff file1.txt file2.txt > output.txt
E.g. Input redirection
<NAME@UBUNTU:> sort < lines.txt
E.g. Input-Output redirection
<NAME@UBUNTU:~> sort < lines.txt > sortedlines.txt
Note: There is another clause for output direction '>>', and that must be implemented appropriately.
A pipe is identified by "|". One or more commands can be piped as the following examples show.
E.g. Two Commands
<NAME@UBUNTU:> more file.txt | wc
E.g. Three commands
<NAME@UBUNTU:> grep "new" temp.txt | cat - somefile.txt | wc
<NAME@UBUNTU:> ls | grep *.txt > out.txt
<NAME@UBUNTU:> cat < in.txt | wc -l > lines.txt
- Make file : 'make'
- Run the shell file : './shell'
- To clean, run 'make clean'