Frontend Mentor - Workit landing page
This is a solution to the Workit landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Table of contents
The challenge
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- Mobile-first, for viewports < 600px
- Tablet(Portrait and Landscape), for viewports from 600px to 1200px
- Desktop for viewports < 1200px
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
My process
Built with
What I learned
First time using vue.js
Continued development
- Animations
Add pages for
- "Apply For Access"
- "Learn More"
Useful resources
- Vue Docs -
- 🙌🏾 Udemy Course: Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! by Jonas Schmedtmann - Very Helpful for Sass and Responsive
- How to use variable fonts - This helped me for XYZ reason. I really liked this pattern and will use it going forward.
- Using CSS Counters for Custom List Number Styling - Getting custom styling on lists isn’t even so tricky anymore, since CSS counters have introduced counter-increment and counter-reset
- Website - Chanda Abdul
- GitHub -
- Frontend Mentor - @Chanda-Abdul