
I will explain an exploratory analysis of Women's contribution in the 120 years history of Olympics data dating from 1896 to 2016 collected from the Kaggle website.


The first Olympics was held in Athens in 1896 after that 28 summer Olympics and 23 winter Olympics held. In this report, I will explain an exploratory analysis of Women's contribution in the 120 years history of Olympics data dating from 1896 to 2016 collected from the Kaggle website. The main aim of the analysis is to find the hidden information or pattern in the data. Since the Olympics have evolved over the years,the question will include subjects like the participation and performance of athletes, different nations, and different sports and events.

Things to Note :

  1. I have Predicted the Year when there wont be any gender Gap between Male and Female participants?
  2. Why Some Countries are peforming Good and their Strategy?
  3. Which Sport catogory have more Winner ?
  4. Age in which Athlete make better ?
  5. What made Micheal Phelps the Greatest Male and Larysa Latynina the Greatest Female Player ?
  6. why USA is at Top of their Game
  7. How China planned on taking Rank 1
  8. What India is doing Good ?


  1. Countries with most female participation [ Ranking] [ % of Women contribution]
  2. Male and Female participation [Gender Gap]
  3. Best ROI ( Countries with most winning Sport participants)
  4. Countries with most +ve results ( No of Player vs Winners)
  5. Ideal Body Mass Index for layer for their respective Sports.
  6. Ideal Age for Winning Medal
  7. Analysis of Sports wise BMI

Data Set

I have uploaded the Zip File of the Data Set.