
Stay safe and buy


  • Cardholders


  • An application which provides its customers the location of safe ATMs and Merchants.Also customer can buy anything from merchant if he/she wants.

Table of Contents


  • As the whole world is dealing with a pandemic, everyone is aiming to avoid going outside and if he/she has to go outside for some essentials it should be present at some safe locations.Our aim is to provide the list of safe ATMs for cardholders in some radius. Also we are aiming to provide the list of safe merchants in these areas. If a customer wants to buy something from any merchant he/she will be provided two options to get his/her essentials :-
  1. Pickup.
  2. Delivery

Main Features

  1. Locating safe ATMs near you or any other location
  2. Locating safe Merchants near you or any other location
  3. Get directions for ATMs/Merchants
  4. Filter Merchants based on their category(Pharmacy, grocery, eateries etc.) and distance
  5. Messaging service between merchant and customer
  6. Order or pickup something from merchant
  7. Payment from customer to merchant using VISA direct.

Technologies Used

  1. Java.
  2. Firebase realtime database.
  3. Python for server side processing.
  4. Visa Direct API.
  5. Visa Merchant Locator API.
  6. Visa Global ATM Locator API.
  7. Geo-IQ containment zones API.
  8. Google Maps API.
  9. Google geocoding and reverse geocoding API.
  10. Google Places API.


  1. Android Studio.
  2. PyCharm.
  3. Firebase.


  1. Chandan Naik
  2. Divyesh Vala
  3. Kunal Anand
  4. Pawan Kumar Kesarwani
  5. Sanath Ramesh
  6. Soumya Agarwal


  1. Clone this repository in android studio.
  2. Run this app on your phone.
  3. For login/signup. Use your email and you can use any password for signUp.
  4. If you want to login as a merchant. Then use this credentials for dummy merchant.
  5. To Run the server just run the file.