!!only tested with Lightroom 4!!

This script extracts images from lightroom previews.

This can be a lifesaver if you lost your original photos but still have your lightroom metadata.

This basic logic is:

  1. Run Unix 'Strings' over the lightroom catalog file to extract out the original filenames based on a questionable regex.
  2. Scan the lightroom preview binaries for embedded jpegs and write out the largest one.



./run.sh path/to/lr/catalog path/to/lr/previews/dir


➜ git:(master) ✗ ./run.sh \
/Users/cabraham/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom\ 4\ Catalog.lrcat \
/Users/cabraham/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom\ 4\ Catalog\ Previews.lrdata \
Gathering image filenames from catalog
Extracting best avaliable images from previews
writing: photos/DSC_8996.JPG
writing: photos/DSC_9961.JPG
writing: photos/DSC_9201.NEF
writing: photos/DSC_2232.JPG

If you don't have a catalog file or don't care about restoring the original filenames, you can use the extract_image.py script directly on individual preview files.

./extract_image.py path/to/single/preview.lrprev output