Welcome to Planet App, a restful backend for managing users and groups See specification.md for availiable features
run all commands from the root of the project.
for best results, create a python virtualenv before installing the dependencies and running the app. A very useful project for setting up virtual env is https://github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito
> mkvirtualenv planet_app
> pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
> python utils/create_tables.py planet.db
> python app/planet_app.py
> curl -X POST -d '{"first_name": "christine", "last_name": "donovan", "userid": "cdonovan", "groups": ["photoclub", "bikeclub"]}'
> curl
> python tests/integration_tests.py
> export DATABASE=staging.db; python app/planet_app.py
> rm planet.db
> python utils/create_tables.py planet.db