
Jajodia-Mutchler Voting Algorithm handles the consistency of file updates when the network is partitioned. This uses hybrid Voting technique and 3 phase commit protocol to accomplish this huge task.

Primary LanguageJava

Jajodia Mutchler Voting Algorithm

Implementation of Jajodia Mutchler Voting Algorithm. Paper Reference: A Hybrid Replica Control Algorithm Combining Static and Dynamic Voting https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/43421

Technical Specs

* Java-8
* Windows
* Batch File

Client & Server Folders contain the source code for Client & Server Nodes respectively


  • Java-8
  • MultiThreading and Socket Programming
  • Basic Data Structures and Protocol understanding


Implement the Jajodia-Mutchler voting algorithm. Let there be eight servers, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. There is only one data object X, replicated across the eight servers, that is subject to writes. Initially, the version number (VN), replicas update (RU) and distinguished site (DS) values for X at all servers are 1, 8, and A, respectively. The rule for selection of distinguished site favors the server that is alphabetically smallest among the candidates.

For Further Details read Project3.pdf

Requirements for the Project

  1. You must attemp at least two writes in each of the network components show in Figure 1. A write can originate at any of the servers in the corresponding partition.
  2. After each write attempt, successful or unsuccessful, output the VN, RU, and DS values for each server

Important Note

Current Implementation does not handle multiple requests at once. For Crash Failures read the Research paper to implement Make_Current Method.


  1. Unzip or clone the project.
  2. Double Click on the RunServer.bat file in Server directory
  3. Double Click on the RunClient.bat file in Client directory

Team Members

  • Chandra Kiran Saladi
  • Kautil Reddy