
Provide luci operation support for Amlogic STB. The current functions include install OpenWrt to EMMC, update the OpenWrt firmware or kernel, and backup/restore config.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Provide luci operation support for Amlogic STB. The current functions include install OpenWrt to EMMC, update the OpenWrt firmware or kernel, and backup/restore config.

为 Amlogic 系列盒子提供 luci 操作支持。目前的功能有 安装 OpenWrt 至 EMMC升级 OpenWrt 固件或内核版本备份/恢复个性化配置

Depends / 依赖

Tip: It is included when compiling with coolsnowwolf/lean or Lienol/openwrt source code. There is no need to add this dependency separately. When using other source code libraries, please check whether they are missing.

提示:当使用 coolsnowwolf/leanLienol/openwrt 的源码库进行 OpenWrt 编译时,无须单独添加此依赖。当使用其他源码库时请自行检查是否缺少。

Compile / 编译

# Add luci-app-amlogic
svn co https://github.com/ophub/luci-app-amlogic/trunk/luci-app-amlogic package/luci-app-amlogic

# Compile package only
make package/luci-app-amlogic/compile V=99

# Compile
make menuconfig
# choose LuCI ---> 3. Applications  ---> <*> luci-app-amlogic..... LuCI support for Amlogic S9xxx STB ----> save
make V=99

Manual install / 手动安装

  • It is recommended to use the above compilation method to integrate during OpenWrt firmware compilation. The plug-in can be installed manually if it is not integrated in the OpenWrt firmware. First download the 3 ipk files of the latest plug-in in Releases, Upload these 3 ipk files to any directory in the OpenWrt system (such as /tmp/upload/), and then enter the following command to install (The directory /tmp/upload/ in the following command should be replaced with the actual directory where the plug-in is located according to the actual situation):

  • 推荐使用上面的编译方法,在 OpenWrt 固件编译时集成。如果当前 OpenWrt 固件中未集成的也可以手动安装本插件。首先在 Releases 中下载最新插件的 3 个 ipk 文件,并将这 3 个 ipk 文件上传至 OpenWrt 系统的任意目录(如 /tmp/upload/),然后输入以下安装命令进行安装(下面命令中的目录 /tmp/upload/ 请根据实际情况替换为插件压缩包所在的实际目录):

opkg --force-reinstall install /tmp/upload/*.ipk

Screenshot / 截图


Config / 配置

The online update file download url of OpenWrt firmware and kernel can be customized as your own repository, and the config information is stored in the /etc/config/amlogic file of the OpenWrt system. Supports OpenWrt firmware packaged by ophub and flippy scripts. It is recommended to use flippy-openwrt-actions for packaging when using the flippy script to package on Github Actions, which is simple and efficient.

插件里 在线下载更新 中的 OpenWrt 固件内核 文件的下载地址支持自定义为自己的仓库,配置信息保存在 OpenWrt 系统的 /etc/config/amlogic 文件中。支持 ophubflippy 脚本打包的 OpenWrt 固件,使用 flippy 脚本在 Github Actions 打包时推荐使用 flippy-openwrt-actions 进行打包,简单高效。

Borrow / 借鉴

  • Upload functions by luci-app-filetransfer

  • Log viewing and version query functions by Vernesong

  • Kernel and scripts by Flippy

  • 文件上传下载等功能来自 luci-app-filetransfer

  • 日志查看和版本查询等功能来自 Vernesong

  • 内核及脚本等资源来自 Flippy


License / 许可