
Frequent patten mining using apriori algorithm with hast tree for Amazon review data around 6M users.

Primary LanguagePython



Association rule is a very useful tool to explore relationships between different items and itemsets.
How to find these rules efficiently is critic when number of products and transaction database are large.
In Data Mining, apriori principle is one of the method to quickly search frequent itemsets with different
itemsets size. Besides, we also need a data structure-hash tree to reduce number of comparison between
transactions and possible candidates.

About code

This project implement apriori algorithm with hash tree used for large dataset. Data will be stored in sparse matrix
The execution result and time are compared with python package mlxtend. Not only apriori, but also fpgrowth is used.



Apriori with hash tree is slower and execution time increases rapidly when support reduced because
naive for loop to scan the whole database and generate new candidates is used. It’s hard to comparable
to Apriori_API, which utilizes vectorization, especially for large dataset.

FP-growth uses a specific data structure that compresses frequent itemsets into a FP-tree (Frequent Pattern Tree).
By doing so, FP-growth doesn’t need to scan database multiple times and large amount of candidates generation
is avoided. This is the reason why execution time of FP-growth is almost constant when support becomes smaller and smaller.