
My solutions to Advent of Code problems.

Primary LanguageJava


My solutions to Advent of Code 2022 problems.

I will log my journey here.

Things I have learned and practiced throughout my journey:

  • Using scanner class for parsing input

  • File structure and file/folder naming

  • Code improvements

    • Adding constants and global variables
    • Exception throwing instead of printing errors
    • JavaDoc comments
      • Later learned that these are not necessary for private functions and code that is not client-facing
    • Variable naming
  • Builder design pattern

  • Reducing comments to only when they are necessary

  • Simplifying functions and classes to numerous smaller, more readable ones

    • Keeping in mind the Single Responsibility Principle
  • Read Robert C. Martin and Prentice Hall's Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship and decided to start implementing what I have learned
  • In particular
    • Reducing comments
    • Keeping classes and functions small
    • Considering how to make my code more readable
    • Understanding that my task isn't done once the code works. It is done after you are finished editing it.
  • After I go through all 25 days, I will go back to my previous problems and improve them