A full-stack exercise project based on the latest Nuxt3, intended to experience the ability to build full-stack applications with the latest Nuxt3. (as an exercise project only)
- 🌟 use prisma ORM and sqlite database
- 🚀 implement a simple user system
- 🍎 implement a simple post CURD
- nuxi - nuxt command line
- unocss - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine
- pinia - Store
- vueuse - Vue Composition Utilities
- jsonwebtoken
- vue-macros
- prisma ORM
- quasar UI Library
- @nuxtjs/color-mode
- nuxt-icon
npx degit ChangJun2019/nuxt-first-app my-nuxt-first-app
cd my-nuxt-first-app
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.