
Convert PlantUML diagrams into Astah and vice versa.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Astah PlantUML Plugin

This Plugin allows you to convert PlantUML diagrams into Astah which allows you to:

  • import PlantUML diagrams to Astah Professional and
  • export Astah Diagrams to PlantUML


  • Astah Professional v6.7 or later
  • Environment that PlantUML works (If you are on Windows, no installation for PlantUML and Graphiviz is needed since PlantUML library contains Graphviz. If this plug-in does not work, please install PlantUML locally.)

How to install

  1. Download the latest version of .jar file from Release

  2. Launch Astah and drag the plantuml-plugin-x.x.x.jar file onto Astah's window

  3. Restart Astah and go to [File] - [New]. If you see [PlantUML view] tab on the right-bottom pane, that means installation is complete.

How to use

This is the view you get after installing this plug-in which is a PlantUML editor on the left and its preview on the right.

  • 「▲toAstah」 button generates a diagram and also creates model in Astah based on PlantUML editor
  • 「▼toPlant」 button converts Astah diagram to PlantUML text with preview
  • Syntax validator check is always running and it shows syntax errors at the bottom if there are any
  • Ctrl + scroll wheel works for zooming both on the editor and preview

Current conversion rules

From PlantUML to Astah

  • When you push from PlantUML to Astah for the first time, it creates a new diagram and renders model elements. From the second time around, updates will be merged to the existing diagram you already created instead of creating a new diagram.
  • Updates of attributes/operations in the existing class will not affect
  • Deleting model information from the text will not affect
  • Creating multiple diagrams (more than one set of @startuml - @enduml) works. However, updates will not work if you change the order of the diagrams or diagram types.

From Astah to PlantUML

Sending Astah diagram to PlantUML always regenerates the existing text and preview.

Existing Issue

Installing this plug-in disables the Astah's Script Editor - it will not let you type in the Script Editor or any other plugins which uses RSyntaxTextArea. This issue is planned to be fixed in June 2021.

Supported Diagram types and model elements

  • Class Diagram
    • Class, Interface
    • Attribute, Operation
    • Association, Inheritance, Dependency, Association label
  • Sequence Diagram
    • Classifier: participant, actor, boundary, control, entity (database, collections an queue will be shown as participant)
    • Message: Synchronous, Asynchronous and return with the label
    • Classifier's class
  • Statemachine Diagram
    • Initial state, Final state and state
    • Transition
  • Activity Diagram
    • InitialNode, FlowFinalNode, Action
    • ControlFlow

Unsupported models elements

Currently, following models won't be converted. This may change in the future update.

  • Common model elements
    • Note
    • Style
  • Class Diagram
    • Package, Namespace
    • Stereotype
    • Entity
    • Nested Class
    • Muptiplicity and other additional information to assocciations asides the association label
  • Sequence Diagram
    • Order of Messages (Only when sending to PlantUML from Astah)
    • Grouping :alt/else, opt, loop, par, break, critical, group
    • Activation
  • Statemachine Diagram
    • action : entry, do, exit. trigger, guard, action
    • Nested states
    • Fork, Join, Decision, Merge
    • Order of display is not stable (Only when sending to PlantUML from Astah)
  • Activity Diagram
    • Object Node
    • Partition
    • Order of display is not stable (Only when sending to PlantUML from Astah)


This plug-in is a free software program; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version2. (The PlantUML library this plug-in use is licensed under GPL2.) If you'd like to use this under MIT, please contact us.