
Voting app for the Georgia Tech CS Design Expo

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

CapVote Installation Instructions and Release Notes

Build Status

I. Installation Instructions

First note that CapVote is meant to run on Linux and these instructions assume a Linux environment.

CapVote is a Ruby on Rails web application backed by a PostgresQL database. Therefore, to get CapVote up and running, we must first install Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, and various small packages.

  • First install Ruby using rvm--Ruby Version Manager--by performing these two commands:

    gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

    \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails --ruby=2.3.1

    Note: you have to use ruby 2.3.1. Without this you will have compatibility issues with gems (Ruby packages).

  • Install PostgreSQL.

    Postgres is the database backing for the project; it is fairly light and easy to use.

    Follow the instructions here: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Detailed_installation_guides

    Be sure to install the libraries and headers in the package postgresql-server-dev-10

    Important: once installed, create a Postgres user with 'sudo -u postgres createuser -s your_user_name

  • Verify Rails is installed with the command

    rails --version

    If this doesn't work perform gem install rails to install Rails manually.

  • Clone the project by downloading and extracting the repository's zip file or by performing

    git clone https://github.com/ChangedNameTo/JD8112.git

  • Install Bundler with gem install bundler

    Bundler is a tool that bulk-installs Ruby gems.

    • Build gems with Bundler with bundle install
  • Create the database with rails db:create

  • Migrate the database with rails db:migrate

  • Seed the database with default values with rails db:seed

  • Start the server with rails s

Capvote is now up and running!

  • Installation troubleshooting

    • Ensure that Ruby 2.3.1 is installed. This is crucial.
    • Ensure that packages are to up date by running bundle install.
    • Ensure that a Postgres user has been created corresponding to your current Linux username.
    • Ensure that the Postgres libraries and headers found in the package postgresql-server-dev-10 have been installed.
    • Ensure that the database has been created, migrated, and seeded as outlined above.

If you have any questions contact Will Mitchell at william.m95@gmail.com

II. Release Notes

  • Version 1.0
    • New Features in this release.

      • Voting and leaving comments on projects is now fully functional.
      • Visitors can now view a map of the expo.
      • Administrators can enable/disable voting.
      • Administrators can create/delete projects.
      • Administrators can bulk-import projects.
      • Administrators can generate a PDF report of the expo voting.
    • Bug fixes since the last release.

      • None since this is the first official release.
    • Current bugs

      • Bug while viewing projects when no projects have been added.
      • Bug when a user tries to modify his/her comment.

III. Tools used

https://semantic-ui.com/ https://rvm.io/