
TypeScript and JavaScript SDK for the ChannelApe REST API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ChannelApe SDK

TypeScript and JavaScript SDK for the ChannelApe REST API

Build Status Quality Gate Coverage


Getting Started

The ChannelApe SDK is asynchronous and all functions return promises.

Creating a client

Create a new instance of the ChannelApeClient with your sessionId.

const channelApeClient = new ChannelApeClient({
  sessionId: '4674b668-c4d2-4270-bf9b-ebaab78c378d'

Optional client configurations

  • timeout - Number of milliseconds to wait for the API to send response headers. Defaults to 180000 (3 minutes). Cannot be set lower than 2000 (2 seconds).
  • endpoint - Environment endpoint you would like to hit. Defaults to https://api.channelape.com
  • logLevel - Level of logs you wish to see from the SDK. Defaults to OFF.
  • maximumRequestRetryTimeout - Number of milliseconds to keep retrying a request for when an undesired response status code is received. Defaults to 180000 (3 minutes). Cannot be set lower than 2000 (2 seconds).
  • minimumRequestRetryRandomDelay - Minimum number of milliseconds to randomly delay by when an undesired response status code is received. Defaults to 1000 (1 second). Cannot be set lower than 1000 (1 second).
  • maximumRequestRetryRandomDelay - Maximum number of milliseconds to randomly delay by when an undesired response status code is received. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds). Cannot be set lower than 2000 (2 seconds).
  • maximumConcurrentConnections - Maximum number of connections or requests that can be made to the API at a single time. Defaults to 5.

Error Handling

When a call to the ChannelApe API returns an error, it can be accessed through the ApiErrors array on the error object. The following is an example:

try {
  newOrder = await client.orders().create(orderWithChannelOrderIdThatAlreadyExists);
} catch (error) {
  if (error?.ApiErrors?.code === 168) {
    ... Handle duplicate channel order ID error

Error codes and descriptions can be found here: Postman API Error Handling


Get Session

A User Account session will include your userId which is useful when retrieving Businesses. API Account sessions will return an apiAccountId instead.

  .then((session: Session) => {
    // do what you need to do with session data here
    // session will also include your userId or apiAccountId


Get action

  .then((action: Action) => {
    // do what you need to do with action data here

Complete action

  .then((action: Action) => {
    // do what you need to do with action data here

Update action with error

  .then((action: Action) => {
    // do what you need to do with action data here

Update action health check

  .then((action: Action) => {
    // do what you need to do with action data here


Get channel

  .then((channel: Channel) => {
    // do what you need to do with channel data here

Get all channels for a business

channelapeClient.channels().get({ businessId: 'some-valid-business-id' })
  .then((channels: Channel[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with channel data here

Create a channels for a business

      additionalFields: [],
      integrationId: 'some-valid-integration-id',
      name: 'channel-name',
      credentials: {
        healthCheckInterval: 300,
        payloadUrl: 'channelape.com'
      businessId: 'some-valid-business-id',
      enabled: true
  .then((channels: Channel) => {
    // do what you need to do with channel data here

Update a channels for a business

      additionalFields: [],
      id: 'valid-channel-id'
      integrationId: 'some-valid-integration-id',
      name: 'channel-name',
      credentials: {
        healthCheckInterval: 300,
        payloadUrl: 'channelape.com'
      businessId: 'some-valid-business-id',
      enabled: true
  .then((channels: Channel) => {
    // do what you need to do with channel data here


Get supplier

  .then((supplier: Supplier) => {
    // do what you need to do with supplier data here

Get all suppliers for a business

channelapeClient.suppliers().get({ businessId: 'some-valid-business-id' })
  .then((suppliers: Supplier[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with supplier data here

Update a supplier

  .then((supplier: Supplier) => {
    // do what you need to do with supplier data here

Create a supplier

  .then((supplier: Supplier) => {
    // do what you need to do with supplier data here


Get order

  .then((order: Order) => {
    // do what you need to do with order data here

Update order

  .then((updatedOrder: Order) => {
    // do what you need to do with updatedOrder data here

Patch order

  .then((patchedOrder: Order) => {
    // do what you need to do with patchedOrder data here

Create order

const orderToCreate: OrderCreateRequest = {
  additionalFields: [
    { name: 'name', value: 'CA1001' },
    { name: 'order_number', value: '1001' }
  totalPrice: 295.99,
  alphabeticCurrencyCode: 'USD',
  channelId: 'your-channel-id',
  channelOrderId: 'specify-your-channel-order-id',
  customer: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    name: 'John Smith',
    additionalFields: [
      { name: 'extraCustomerData', value: 'Put whatever you would like here' }
  status: OrderStatus.OPEN,
  purchasedAt: new Date(),
  lineItems: [{
    id: 'some-line-item-id',
    quantity: 1,
    sku: 'NCC1701D',
    title: 'A model space ship',
    additionalFields: [
      { name: 'extraLineItemData', value: 'Put whatever you would like here' }
  .then((createdOrder: Order) => {
    // do what you need to do with the createdOrder data here


Get Variant

const variantsRequest: VariantsRequest = {
  .then((variant: Variant) => {
    // do what you need to do with variant data here

Get Variants for a Product

const variantsRequestByProductId: VariantsRequestByProductId = {
  .then((variants: Variant[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with variant array

Get Variant Search Results for a Vendor

const variantsRequest: VariantsSearchRequestByVendor = {
  .then((variantSearchResults: VariantSearchResults[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with Variant Search Results array

Get Variant Search Results using a Product Filter

const variantsRequest: VariantsSearchRequestByProductFilterId = {
  .then((variantSearchResults: VariantSearchResults[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with Variant Search Results array

Get Variant Search Results for a SKU

  • exactMatch parameter if set to true will only match the exact sku set on the request instead of all sku's that start with that given character sequence.
const variantsRequest: VariantsSearchRequestBySku = {
  exactMatch: true
  .then((variantSearchResults: VariantSearchResults[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with Variant Search Results array

Get Variant Search Results for a UPC

  • exactMatch parameter if set to true will only match the exact upc set on the request instead of all upc's that start with that given character sequence.
const variantsRequest: VariantsSearchRequestByUpc = {
  exactMatch: true
  .then((variantSearchResults: VariantSearchResults[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with Variant Search Results array

Get Variant Search Results for a Tag

const variantsRequest: VariantsSearchRequestByTag = {
  .then((variantSearchResults: VariantSearchResults[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with Variant Search Results array


Get Business

const businessesQueryRequestByBusinessId: BusinessesQueryRequestByBusinessId = {
  .then((business: Business) => {
    // do what you need to do with business data here

Get Businesses

const businessesQueryRequestByUserId: BusinessesQueryRequestByUserId = {
  .then((businesses: Business[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with businesses array data here

See Sessions for how to retrieve your userId

Get Business Member

const businessMemberRequest: BusinessMemberRequest = {
  .then((businessMember: BusinessMember) => {
    // do what you need to do with the business member here

Get Business Members

const businessMemberRequest: BusinessMemberRequest = {
  .then((users: User[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with the business members here

Invite a Member to a business

const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
const email = 'valid-email-id';
channelApeClient.businesses().inviteMember(email, businessId)
then((invitationMember: InvitationResponse) => {
    // send invitationMember to a user

Remove a Member from a business

const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
const userId = 'valid-id';
channelApeClient.businesses().removeMember(businessId, userId)
then((removedMember: BusinessMember) => {
    // remove a member from business

Update a Business's Settings

const businessToUpdate: Business = {
  name: 'name',
  inventoryItemKey: InventoryItemKey.SKU,
  timeZone: TimeZoneId.US_ALASKA,
  alphabeticCurrencyCode: AlphabeticCurrencyCode.USD,
  id: 'valid-id',
  embeds: [],
  errors: []
  .then((updatedBusiness: Business) => {
    // do what you need to do with the updated business here 

Verify Business Member

const verificationCode = '1234567';
  .then((business: Business) => {
    // do what you need to do with the business here

Create Business

const businessToCreate: BusinessCreateRequest = {
  name: 'Valid Business Name',
  timeZone: TimeZoneId.AMERICA_NEW_YORK,
  inventoryItemKey: InventoryItemKey.SKU,
  alphabeticCurrencyCode: AlphabeticCurrencyCode.USD
  .then((business: Business) => {
    // do what you need to do with the newly created business here 

API Accounts

Get API Account By ID
const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
const apiAccountId = 'valid-api-account-id';
channelApeClient.businesses().apiAccounts().get(businessId, apiAccountId)
  .then((apiAccount: ApiAccount) => {
    // do what you need to do with the API account here 
Get All API Accounts for a Business
const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
  .then((apiAccount: ApiAccount[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with the API accounts here 
Create API Account
const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
const apiKeyName = 'some-api-key';
channelApeClient.businesses().apiAccounts().create(name, businessId)
  .then((apiAccount: ApiAccount) => {
    // do what you need to do with the API account here 
Delete API Account from a business
const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
const apiAccountId = 'valid-api-account-id';
channelApeClient.businesses().apiAccounts().delete(businessId, apiAccountId)
  .then((deleteAccount: ApiAccount) => {
    // do what you need to do with the API account here 


Get Subscription

const businessId = 'valid-business-id';
  .then((subscription: Subscription) => {
    // do what you need to do with subscription data here

Order Activities

ChannelApe allows you to log any arbitrary action done to or information about an order through the Order Activities endpoint.

Create order activities

// Create an order activity if you know the channelId and channelOrderId of the order in question
const orderActivityCreateRequest: OrderActivityCreateRequestByChannel = {
  channelId: 'some-channel-id',
  channelOrderId: 'some-channel-order-id-belonging-to-the-specified-channel-id',
  operation: OrderActivityOperation.UPDATE,
  result: OrderActivityResult.SUCCESS,
  messages: [
      description: 'Arbitrary text limited to 1000 characters',
      title: 'Arbitrary text limited to 100 characters.' // Order activities are grouped by title in the ChannelApe dashboard

// Create an order activity if you know the ChannelApe Order ID (i.e. order.id) of the order in question
const orderActivityCreateRequest: OrderActivityCreateRequestByOrderId = {
  orderId: 'some-order-id',
  operation: OrderActivityOperation.CREATE,
  result: OrderActivityResult.ERROR,
  messages: [
      description: 'Arbitrary text limited to 1000 characters',
      title: 'Arbitrary text limited to 100 characters.' // Order activities are grouped by title in the ChannelApe dashboard

// Create an order activity if you know the channelOrderId and the businessId of the order in question
const orderActivityCreateRequest: OrderActivityCreateRequestByBusiness = {
  channelOrderId: 'some-channel-order-id',
  businessId: 'some-business-id-that-the-channel-order-id-belongs-to',
  operation: OrderActivityOperation.CREATE,
  result: OrderActivityResult.WARN,
  messages: [
      description: 'Arbitrary text limited to 1000 characters',
      title: 'Arbitrary text limited to 100 characters.' // Order activities are grouped by title in the ChannelApe dashboard

channelApeClient.orders().activities().create(orderActivityCreateRequest).then((orderActivity) => {
  // do what you need to do with orderActivity here


Generate Analytics Embed

This can only be done with an end user account that has access to ChannelApe analytics.

const embedCode = 'valid-embed-code';
const timezone = 'America/New_York';
channelApeClient.analytics().generateEmbed(embedCode, timezone)
  .then((embed: Embed) => {
    // Render the embed in an iframe or in a browser.

Available Analytics Embeds

  .then((reports[]: Embed) => {
    // Do what you need to with list of reports

Get Analytics Token

  .then((token: Token) => {
    // Do what you need to with the token

Product Filters

Create Product Filter

const productFilterRequest: ProductFilterRequest = {
  businessId: 'valid-business-id'
channelApeClient.productFilter().create({}, productFilterRequest)
  .then((productFilter: ProductFilter) => {
    // Do what you need with the filter


Get User

const userId: string = 'some-user-id';
  .then((user: User) => {
    // Do what you need with the user


Get inventory item

const inventoryItemId: string = 'some-inventory-id';
  .then((inventoryItem: InventoryItem) => {
    // Do what you need with the inventory item

Get businesses inventory item by SKU

const inventorySku: string = 'ABC-123';
const businessId: string = '1';
channelApeClient.inventories().get(businessId, inventorySku)
  .then((inventoryItems: InventoryItem[]) => {
    // Do what you need with the inventory items

Create new Inventory Item

const inventoryItemCreateRequest: InventoryItemCreateRequest = {
  businessId: '1',
  sku: 'ABC-123',
  title: 'Cool inventory title'
  .then((inventoryItem: InventoryItem) => {
    // Do what you need with the created inventory item

Update Inventory Item

const inventoryItemUpdateRequest: InventoryItemUpdateRequest = {
  id: '123',
  sku: 'ABC-123',
  title: 'Cool inventory title'
  .then((inventoryItem: InventoryItem) => {
    // Do what you need with the updated inventory item

Inventory Quantities

Adjust Inventory Item Quantity

const inventoryItemId = '34';
const locationId = '28';
const quantity = 31;
const inventoryStatus =  InventoryStatus.AVAILABLE_TO_SELL;
const adjustmentRequest: AdjustmentRequest = {
  .then((adjustment: Adjustment) => {
    // Do what you need with the adjustment

Set Inventory Item Quantity

  • idempotentKey is optional. It will default to a UUID if nothing is provided. This key is used to determine if an adjustment should be created or if it is a duplicate.
const inventoryItemId = '34';
const locationId = '28';
const quantity = -148;
const inventoryStatus =  InventoryStatus.ON_ORDER;
const idempotentKey  = `${new Date().toISOString()}_${locationId}_${inventoryItemId}_${inventoryStatus}`;
const adjustmentRequest: AdjustmentRequest = {
  .then((adjustment: Adjustment) => {
    // Do what you need with the adjustment

Batch Update Inventory Item Quantity

  • If at least one adjustment fails, the call will wait for all other pending requests to complete and then throw an error.
  • The deduplication key specifies a string which will be used to determine if an adjustment should be created. If a key with the same string for a particular inventory item, location, and status was already used, it will not perform the adjustment. For example, this can be used to allow only one adjustment per day so that if the batched adjustments are sent through a second time, only the ones which failed will be recreated. Here is the generated key format: {deduplicationKey}_{locationId}_{inventoryItemId}_{status}

Currently Allowed Inventory Statuses:

const adjustmentsBySku: AdjustmentsBySku = [{
  sku: 'A1',
  adjustments: [{
    quantity: 1,
    inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.AVAILABLE_TO_SELL,
    deduplicationKey: '05052020',
    locationId: '123',
    memo: 'Memo'
  }, {
    quantity: 3,
    inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.ON_HOLD,
    deduplicationKey: '05052020',
    locationId: '123',
    memo: 'Memo'
}, {
  sku: 'B1',
  adjustments: [{
    quantity: 2,
    inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.AVAILABLE_TO_SELL,
    deduplicationKey: '05052020',
    locationId: '123',
    memo: 'Memo'
  }, {
    quantity: 0,
    inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.ON_HOLD,
    deduplicationKey: '05052020',
    locationId: '123',
    memo: 'Memo'

Batch Set Inventory Item Quantities

  .then(() => {
    // All adjustments completed successfully

Batch Adjust Inventory Item Quantities

  .then(() => {
    // All adjustments completed successfully

Retrieve an inventory item's current quantities

const inventoryItemId = '35';
  .then((quantities: InventoryItemQuantity[]) => {
    // Do what you need with the inventory item quantities


Get location

const locationId: string = 'some-location-id';
  .then((location: Location) => {
    // Do what you need with the location

Get locations for a business

const businessId: string = '1';
  .then((location: Location) => {
    // Do what you need with the locations

Create new Location

const locationCreationRequest: LocationCreateRequest = {
  businessId: '1',
  name: 'Some location Name'
  .then((location: Location) => {
    // Do what you need with the created location

Update Location

const locationUpdateRequest: LocationUpdateRequest = {
  id: '123',
  name: 'Some updated location Name'
  .then((location: Location) => {
    // Do what you need with the updated location

Get location SLA

const locationId: string = '1';
  .then((locationSLA: LocationSLA) => {
    // Do what you need with the locations

Update location SLA information

const LocationSLAUpdate: LocationSLA = {
	createdAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z',
	fulfillmentSLAHours: '1',
	locationId: '1',
	operatingDays: [
			createdAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z',
			day: 'T',
			end: '10:00',
			fulfillmentCutoffTime: '09:30',
			id: '23',
			open: '08:00',
			updatedAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z'
			createdAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z',
			day: 'W',
			end: '10:00',
			fulfillmentCutoffTime: '09:50',
			id: '24',
			open: '08:00',
			updatedAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z'
	updatedAt: '2018-04-24T14:02:34.703Z'
const locationId: string = '1';
channelApeClient.locations().updateSla(locationId, sla)
	.then((locationSLA: LocationSLA) => {
		// Do what you need with the locations update

Get location closures

const locationId: string = '1';
  .then((locationClosures: LocationClosedDay[]) => {
    // Do what you need with the locations

Update location closures

const closesDates: LocationClosureRequest = {
	closedDays: [
const locationId: string = '1';
channelApeClient.locations().updateClosures(locationId, closedDates)
  .then((locationClosures: LocationClosedDay[]) => {
    // Do what you need with the locations closures update


Get step by ID

  .then((step: Step) => {
    // do what you need to do with step data here


Get Play by ID

  .then((play: Play) => {
    // do what you need to do with play data here

Get All Plays

  .then((plays: Play[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with all play data here

Get All Recipe

  .then((recipes: Recipe[]) => {
    //do what you need to do with all recipes data here

Get a Recipe

  .then((recipes: Recipe) => {
    //do what you need to do with the recipe data here

Get All Schedule

  .then((schedules: Schedule[]) => {
    // do what you need to do with all schedules data here

Get a Schedule

  .then((schedules: Schedule) => {
    // do what you need to do with the schedule data here


Get a batches information

  .then((batch: Batch) => {
    // do what you need to do with the batch data here

Batch Inventory Quantity Adjustments (Asynchronous)

You can trigger a new batch by following the format below. The max number of adjustments per batch is 5000.

const batchRequest = BatchAdjustmentCreationRequest = {
    businessId: '91f47fdf-fd71-484c-9b3b-db4e2877a229',
    adjustments: [
        locationId: '47',
        operation: AdjustmentType.ADJUST,
        sku: 'ABC-123',
        memo: 'Adjusting for intraday inventory.',
        quantity: 1,
        inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.AVAILABLE_TO_SELL,
        idempotentKey: 'some-idempotent-key'
        locationId: '12',
        operation: AdjustmentType.SET,
        inventoryItemId: 123,
        memo: 'Adjusting for nightly true up.',
        quantity: 1,
        inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.COMMITTED,
        idempotentKey: 'some-idempotent-key'

  .then((batchResponse: BatchResponse) => {
    // do what you need to do with the batch response here

Adjustment Expiration Date

You can make adjustments with an expirationTime, just provide an expirationTime and we'll stage an adjustment with the quantity inversed, -15 in this example, for that specific time:

const batchRequest = BatchAdjustmentCreationRequest = {
    businessId: '91f47fdf-fd71-484c-9b3b-db4e2877a229',
    adjustments: [
        locationId: '47',
        operation: AdjustmentType.ADJUST,
        sku: 'ABC-123',
        memo: 'Reserving for reason xyz.',
        quantity: 15,
        expirationTime: new Date('2023-12-20T12:30:00Z'),
        inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.RESERVE,
        idempotentKey: 'some-idempotent-key'

Reserve Percentage Adjustments

You can also make reserve adjustments based on a percentage amount by switching out quantity for futureAppliedAtpPercentage and adding an expirationTime:

const batchRequest = BatchAdjustmentCreationRequest = {
    businessId: '91f47fdf-fd71-484c-9b3b-db4e2877a229',
    adjustments: [
        locationId: '47',
        operation: AdjustmentType.ADJUST,
        sku: 'ABC-123',
        memo: 'Reserving for reason xyz.',
        futureAppliedAtpPercentage: 15,
        expirationTime: new Date('2023-12-20T12:30:00Z'),
        inventoryStatus: InventoryStatus.RESERVE,
        idempotentKey: 'some-idempotent-key'