
EPICS Record Synchronizor Server Configuration Environment

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


RecSync-env installation test Docker Image CI Linter Run

Configuration Environment for the recsync server (aka. RecCeiver) at https://github.com/ChannelFinder/recsync/tree/master/server


In order to download, install, setup all relevant components, one should do many steps manually. This repository was designed for the easy-to-reproducible environment for recsync server (aka RecCeiver).


  • ChannelFinder : Please check it https://github.com/ChannelFinder/ChannelFinder-env
  • systemd service : this repository has its own systemd configuration.
  • SUDO permission
  • Few system packages : Please see below. We will use the system default python packages and system package manager (e.g., apt for Debian) instead of conda, pip, or whatever python tools, because we would like to install RecCeiver in a specific local directory instead of any Python related paths. This approach gives users, who may not be familiar with many Python environments, to focus only RecCeiver. I am sure that users should learn million different and continuous evolving Python environments later if one would like to use it within them.
  • pyCFClient : In order to integrate RecCeiver with ChannelFinder, pyCFClient Python application [1] or package is required. The repository [1] was already integrated into the current repository. Thus one doesn't need to care about it.

system packages

Note that sqlite3 may not be necessary if one would like to test it with ChannelFinder directly.

  • Debian 10
sudo apt install sqlite3 python-twisted python-requests python-simplejson python-urllib3
  • CentOS 7
sudo yum install sqlite  python-twisted-web python-requests python2-simplejson python-urllib3
  • CentOS 8
sudo dnf install sqlite python3-twisted python-requests-futures python3-simplejson python3-urllib3
sudo update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
  • Fedora 31
sudo dnf install sqlite python3-twisted python-requests-futures python3-simplejson python3-urllib3


  • Debian 10
Python 2.7.16 (default, Oct 10 2019, 22:02:15)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux2
  • Fedora 31
$ python
Python 3.8.2 (default, Feb 28 2020, 00:00:00)
[GCC 10.0.1 20200216 (Red Hat 10.0.1-0.8)] on linux

Few Makefile Rules


  • Print out selected rules with a little explanation

make init

  • Download recsync [2] and pyCFClient [1]
  • Switch to specific versions defined as $(SRC1_TAG) for recsync and $(SRC2_TAG) for pyCFClinet in configure/RELEASE

make install

  • sudo permission is required.
  • Add a user recceiver and a group id 65534 into a host system. Note that nogroup is valid only for Debian.
  • Copy all files in recsync/server and pyCFClient into defined a local installation path INSTALL_LOCATION in configure/RELEASE
  • Setup and enable systemd service

make distclean

  • Remove the downloaded recsync [2] and pyCFClient [1] source files.

make vars

  • Print out interesting variables
  • One can use make PRINT.VARIABLE_NAME to print out them. For example, make PRINT.INSTALL_LOCATION.

A typical example to configure the ChannelFinder service

Note that this example has the assumption which ES service is running.

make init
make install
sudo systemctl start recsync.service
systemctl status recsync.service

Customize site-specific configuration

Please consult two files in configure path, such as RELEASE and CONFIG_SITE. There are few comments on there. If you are familiar with the standard EPICS building system [3], it should be easy to understand them, because we mimic that concept into this repository.

Docker Image

See docs/Docker.md 🐳

While evaluating its configuration

Modify any configuration files, and then run the following command:

make restart
sudo systemctl start recsync.service
systemctl status recsync.service


  • If one installs this at the first time, or reinstall from scratch, for example, make restart, one has to start its systemd service one more time, because of the issue mentioned in ChannelFinder/recsync#37.

  • There are two important configuration files, which are configured carefully. One is site-template/recsync.conf.in and the other is site-template/channelfinderapi.conf. Especially, one should use the same and correct information in channelfinderapi.conf in order to match with its ChannelFinder configuration. For example, user name and its password should be matched with https://github.com/ChannelFinder/ChannelFinder-env/blob/master/site-template/cf4als.ldif.


[1] https://github.com/ChannelFinder/pyCFClient

[2] https://github.com/ChannelFinder/recsync

[3] https://epics-controls.org