
A project to consolidate some general channelfinder testing, debugging, and reporting operations


mvn clean install

Launching cf-manager

cd /target/
java -jar cf-manager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -h

Supported operations

-generate-report          - Generate a report on the recsync properties
-es_host  localhost       - elastic server host
-es_port  9200            - elastic server port
-help                     - print this text

Syntax Rules for the Standard name format

The default structure of NSLS2 pv names is as follows:


The name is composed of system, device, and signal information.

1		Characters in names to conform with allowed EPICS conventions
		Allowed characters			a-z  A-Z 0-9 _ - : [ ] < > ; {}	
2		Reserved delimiters (not to be used in name elements)
		{		System{Device delimiter
		}		Device}Signal delimiter
		:		Precedes instance when used
		-		delimiter  system  Primary-Secondary-Tertiary, device-subdevice
		-		delimiter  signal instance-domain
3		Total name length
		60 characters including delimeters
4		Name taxonomy
		Name consists of parts which consist of elements
5		Required name elements
	a.	As a guide, name should include only the parts and elements needed
		to provide a unique identifier that meets the need for a name.
	b.	If a name is needed the Device part is the required minimum name.
	c.	Within parts the minimum requirement is:
		System part		Primary system name
		Device part		None (if system adequately describes the source of the signal)
		Signal part		Signal domain
	d.	If the system part is used, the elements must be added in order as required
		to ensure unique identification of the name.
		Primary-Secondary			Allowed
		Primary-Tertiary			Forbidden

The validators run by the generate-report process are the following:

1. Name length validator:

Check that pv names don't exceed 60 characters including delimiters.

2. Device validator:

Check that the pv names contain a device and the primary device is in the approved device_name list

2. System validator:

Check that the pv names contain a primary system defined in the approved system_name list


The scripts folder holds examples for directly accessing channel and IOC information in ElasitSearch. May include Linux shell scripts or python scripts.