How to NFT

There are many different steps we need ot take to take to mint and NFT, but roughtly we can outline 5 major steps with several micro steps we need to take to create a custom eth wallet & NFT minter.

  1. First, we must have a mechanism to create, read & update ethereum accounts/wallets. This is where the [web3] ( via wallet.create. This API will come in handy since it natively allows us to create wallets & manage their private keys via our web application interface (chrome extension). We will integrate via the IPFS protocol to host metadata associated with the NFT image
  2. Once we create a wallet for a user, we want to be able to deliver the NFT image to that particular wallet using Solidity smart contracts.
  3. Once we are able to manage a wallet directly, along with the private key, we will want to work with the brownie library to write Solidity smart contracts that allow us to create ERC-721 compliant smart contracts on the fly for sponors & investors
  4. Execute the smart contract to generage an NFT via the eth network
  5. Retrieve the NFT via the web3 python/javascript package.

Additional abillities

  1. Can view on opensea
  2. Can view on etherscan

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