
A linux evernote client focus on taking a screenshot and saved to evernote

Primary LanguagePython


A linux evernote client focus on taking a screenshot, make some marks and saved to evernote.

Supported OS

This application is developped on Ubuntu 12.04 and tested on Ubuntu 14.04. Other Ubuntu version should be ok.


Install using DEB package

  1. Install evernote python API using pip

sudo pip install evernote

  1. Install python-elsaclipper deb package

sudo dpkg -i python-elsaclipper_0.1-1_all.deb

After that, you can start the application from Unity dash or start from command line:

$ elsaclipper

Start from source

If you don't like deb package, you can also start this application from source code.´

  1. Install evernote python API using pip

sudo pip install evernote

  1. Install depended deb packages

sudo apt-get install gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 python-xlib python-pyinotify python-keyring

  1. start __init__.py under ElsaClipper/elsaclipper

python ElsaClipper/elsaclipper/__init__.py ui

Key binding

ElsaClipper has the feature of binding a keyboard shortcut to taking snapshot of your screen, but this feature is limited by gir1.2-keybinder-3.0, which can only bind shortcuts start with ctrl or alt. If you want to bind other keys, just bind any shortcut to command elsaclipper-clip in your system configuration.


The screenshot taking feature is from deepin-scrot (https://github.com/linuxdeepin-packages/deepin-scrot)