This repository contains the linux drivers for DMA, an example of architecture exploiting multiple DMAs with a loop-back connection, and the SD card files to boot the Zedboard.

- The folder contains the driver and the Makefile to include it in the kernel compilation. At the moment the driver is not an external module.
- The files must be copied in $XILINX_LINUX_KERNEL_FOLDER$/drivers/dma/xilinx
- The driver will be compiled with the kernel in this way. Contains the project created with Vivado HLS.

- In this folder there is a simple benchmark that copies data between two memory locations and compares the data transfer time with the one of the ARM processor.
- perform the benchmark on a set of different inputs.
- The output is the time needed to move data using 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 DMAs.
- The benchmark performs a check to see if the data is copied in the right way (NOTE: it works only when using 1 DMA)
- All the times are collected and written to report.dat
- An R script to generate the plot (similar to the one) included in the folder starting from report.dat
- The plot included in the folded represents the performance we got when we tested the zed board using 4 DMAs.

- Files needed to build the boot image.

- These are the files to copy on the SD.