
Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

"dynify" (tentative name)

"dynify"/hmm (hacky machine monitor) is a PoC for enabling Frida and tools like it to be able to handle attaching and hooking statically-linked binaries. It works by starting a statically linked binary as a paused ptraced child process and then copying the whole thing over (statically-linked ET_EXEC files are loaded at a fixed address w/o ASLR by the kernel) into the parent and then jumping into it. There's a bit more magic involved:

  • dealing w/ multiple libcs vying for power in the same process
  • legacy heap usage (avoided by forcing the "host" libc to use mmap for malloc)
  • patching up auxvec
  • bypassing frida's hacky attempt to inject libpthread that crashes everything
  • thread local storage init

But the main point was to get it working enough to enable Frida to hook statically-linked Go binaries on linux.

Currently, b/c of the way that Frida looks up "modules" in a process, it completely misses the statically-linked code loaded in. However, since the statically-linked code is copied 1-to-1 into the process, and there is no ASLR applied to it, you can just dump symbols out of the binaries w/ readelf/nm/etc. and use them directly in Frida for now.


$ gcc -g -std=c11 -Wall -pie -fPIC -fno-stack-protector -Wl,-e_altstart -o hmm hmm.c -pthread
$ ./hmm <path/to/static-bin> <argv0> [argv1...]
$ sudo frida -p "$(pgrep hmm)"

Go binaries and Frida

Frida doesn't know how to deal with static binaries (hence this PoC), and this especially flares up with statically-linked Go binaries as they don't behave like normal Linux programs and are more freestanding. For starters, Frida has a lot of issues attaching to Go processes once the Go runtime has been setup and straight up crashes the process when attempting to inject itself/set up the process for itself. So instead, we currently use -DDEBUG in the build to pause before entering the static code. This provides a hacky window in which to attach Frida.

However, Go's static link init C code does not properly set up thread local storage (TLS) sufficiently for Frida, resulting in crashes the moment Frida's inner working for hooks attempt to access it. The tlsfixer binary does some ptrace(2) magic to invoke a function within hmm in each thread that fixes up the TLS data (fyi, it can get a bit crashy with Go binaries over time, but does prove the behavior).

So to use Frida with statically-linked Go binaries, you have to do the following:

  1. build w/ -DDEBUG (for now, there are no cli flags for this, I'm rushing this at the tail end of my sabbatical)
  2. run hmm such that it pauses for input on stdin
  3. attach frida (but don't do anything else)
  4. send some stdin input to hmm (such as hitting enter)
  5. run tlsfixer <hmm pid>
  6. do whatever Frida stuff you were going to do
$ gcc -g -std=c11 -Wall -pie -fPIC -fno-stack-protector -Wl,-e_altstart -o hmm hmm.c -pthread -DDEBUG
$ gcc -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fPIC -pie -o tlsfixer tlsfixer.c
$ ./hmm <path/to/static-go-bin> <argv0> [argv1...]
#(attach frida: sudo frida -p "$(pgrep hmm)")
#(run tlsfixer: sudo ./tlsfixer "$(pgrep hmm)")
#(use frida)

Caddy Example

$ sudo frida -p "$(pgrep hmm)" # echo-static: <main.handleConn>
[Local::PID::XXXX]-> Interceptor.attach(ptr(0x4c9ae0), function(args){try{console.log("4c9ae0 called!");} catch (e) {console.log("exception!")}})
$ nc 9999
$ sudo frida -p "$(pgrep hmm)" # caddy-static: <github.com/caddyserver/caddy/v2/modules/caddyhttp.(*StaticResponse).ServeHTTP>
[Local::PID::XXXX]-> Interceptor.attach(ptr(0x11d4b40), function(args){console.log("11d4b40 called! args[0]: " + args[0])})
$ curl -v

Future Work

  • Cleaning up the codebase / making a non-PoC version
  • CLI flags
  • Figuring out a way to have Frida recognize the static binary sections
    • this may involve faking dl structures in the host process