Building Micro UI

Building Micro Frontends LiveProject


  • node >=14


npm install installs the dependencies at root level. This one is a prerequisite for all the other scripts.

Install nested dependencies

npm run install:all installs all the dependencies in all the Micro Frontends and Bootstrap.

Developing welcome Micro Frontend (no Bootstrap)

npm run dev:welcome is used to develop the welcome Micro Frontend.

It starts a web server and watches changes in the /welcome folder.

Developing music Micro Frontend (no Bootstrap)

npm run dev:music is used to develop the music Micro Frontend.

It starts a web server and watches changes in the /music folder.

Developing Bootstrap (and all the Micro Frontends)

npm run dev:bootstrap is used to develop boostrap.

It builds welcome and music Micro Frontends first, then it runs in parallel server.js and bootstrap build watching its files.


  1. Welcome image
  2. 404 image
  3. favicon