Getting started with dependency management using Conan


Conan requires you to have Python 3 and then it is just a pip package installation:

pip install --user conan


Let us follow the official documentation.

We have created [conanfile.txt] and we also need to detect a profile, let us do it using

conan profile detect --force

This will detect the operating system, build architecture and compiler settings based on the environment. It will also set the build configuration as Release by default. The generated profile will be stored in the Conan home folder with name default and will be used by Conan in all commands by default unless another profile is specified via the command line.

Now we will get our dependencies using

conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing

This is going to populate our build folder with some CMake and we are ready to build our project:

cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Adding dependency and exploring include paths

I had to manually explore ~/.conan/p folder to explore how I am supposed to include new package.