⚛️⚡ Vite + React + Typescript Component Library Template


Getting Started

  1. Create a new repository using this one as template
  2. Clone your repo
  3. Install dependencies with pnpm i (first run corepack enable to enable pnpm)
  4. Run pnpm prepare command to setup Husky pre-commit hooks.

Main Scripts

Always prepending pnpm:

  • dev: Bootstrap the Storybook preview with Hot Reload.
  • build: Builds the static storybook project.
  • build:lib: Builds the component library into the dist folder.
  • lint:fix: Applies linting based on the rules defined in .eslintrc.js.
  • format:prettier: Formats files using the prettier rules defined in .prettierrc.
  • test: Runs testing using watch mode.
  • test:cov: Runs testing displaying a coverage report.

Blog Post

I created a post explaning how to set up this library and publish it to a package registry! You can read it here.


Ignacio Miranda Figueroa
