
Compete with the other car dealer by building a website that creates, reads, updates, and deletes your inventory.

Primary LanguageJava

How do I create a category that is one to many with cars?

  1. Do I need to add a Set<> HashSet<> to my HomeController? -> I can only get a new category to show -> I cannot get cars to show -> I cannot get cars to show with a new category

  2. BUG: When I push Car Listing, I do not see the table of categories/cars. I see the one category repeatedly show itself..... and the original category/cars move down a list.

  3. Do I need this?

ToDo List allows create, read, update, and delete
One to Many: a director has movies...

Potential Conflict: I can add/delete todos, but can I add/delete
a table one2many tables? 

I can create a one2many table scenario. Can I reproduce this?

Will I need to instantiate objects, not just one2many,
but additional one2many collections? 

How do I create?
How do I access? 

3.03; p. 47

I. Backend:

H2 Database

A. Category Class

i. Each Category, ONE, has Cars... MANY ii. Cars Class, MANY , has Category... ONE


A. navbar: logo, carListing, addCategory, addCar

B. Jumbotron: Name of Company with background

C. No Footer

a. Cars Listing: Displays all the Beans with content

i. Cards: name, image, button

ex. BMW, Pic, More Info

b. Add Category:

i. Add Category. Receives a new

One Input

ii. Form:

6 inputs

Manufacture Model Year MSRP Category Upload Image

submit button

iii. Add Car. Not sure how ii && iii are different.

ii == enter an individual form, go to series of inputs

iii == start with series of inputs