The endpoints are documented at Generally, the only ones intended for public use are the read-only ones.
To recreate something similar to the homepage of the site, you would use:
- Something like
- Then for each tile, the download link would be something equivalent to:
curl -X 'POST' ''
-H 'accept: /' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"format": "tavern",
"fullPath": "Anonymous/example-character",
"version": "main"
}' --output anonymous_example_char_main.png
The process for lorebooks would be virtually the same.
To use the API, you agree that:
- You won't be bulk-downloading definitions and re-serving them from a different server.
- The API and definitions will not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever unless cleared by us. If you're interested in a commercial use-case, contact us.
- If used in an application, there will be some type of icon or indicator with a link to the site (e.g. 'Courtesy of Chub') in the portions of your application using the API.
- You agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the site itself.
- You will not use any endpoint not explicitly documented in the OpenAPI specification (obviously I can't fully prevent this, but it's annoying and can cause data integrity issues).
Discord: CharHub Server or lloorree#4237