
Under construction. API documentation and clients for CharHub.

Chub API Documentation/Information

OpenAPI Documentation

The endpoints are documented at https://api.chub.ai. Generally, the only ones intended for public use are the read-only ones.


To recreate something similar to the homepage of the site, you would use:

curl -X 'POST'   'https://api.chub.ai/api/characters/download' 
-H 'accept: /'   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{
  "format": "tavern",
  "fullPath": "Anonymous/example-character",
  "version": "main"
}' --output anonymous_example_char_main.png

The process for lorebooks would be virtually the same.

Terms/Conditions of Usage

To use the API, you agree that:

  1. You won't be bulk-downloading definitions and re-serving them from a different server.
  2. The API and definitions will not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever unless cleared by us. If you're interested in a commercial use-case, contact us.
  3. If used in an application, there will be some type of icon or indicator with a link to the site (e.g. 'Courtesy of Chub') in the portions of your application using the API.
  4. You agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the site itself.
  5. You will not use any endpoint not explicitly documented in the OpenAPI specification (obviously I can't fully prevent this, but it's annoying and can cause data integrity issues).


Email: lore@chub.ai

Discord: CharHub Server or lloorree#4237