A University registrar that tracks departments, courses, and students.
- C#
- .NET 5
- NuGet
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Dotnet EntityFramework Tool
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
This web application will allow the user to create departments, courses, and students. The user will be able to add courses to departments, add students to courses, and add students to departments. All models have full CRUD functionality. There are three many to many relationships. User has the ability to mark a course as complete and check if a department has no completed courses.
- Clone this repository to your desktop
- Open in text editor
- Create appsettings.json in /Registrar/ directory
- Copy this code into appsettings.json, replacing YOUR_PASSWORD with your MySQL password:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=registrar;uid=root;pwd=YOUR_PASSWORD;"
_open new terminal and run SQL
$ mysql -uroot -p{your_password})_
open MySQL Workbench
In terminal, navigate into Registrar.Solution/Registrar/ and enter the command $ dotnet restore, to install necessary packages
_enter this command to build the program
$ dotnet build to build program_
enter command to build your database
$ dotnet ef database update,
check MySql Workbench to make sure the registrars database has been built
enter command $ dotnet run, to view program in your browser
- NA
Anna Clarke: anclarkie@gmail.com
Ben Wilson: benjaminw1030@gmail.com
Charles Weber charlesweber@gmail.com
Photo by Will van Wingerden on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash