
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Art Museum Search

Alt text


This web application lets the user search the Art Institute of Chicago and The Metropolitian Museum of Art collections for images and information about the artist and work.

By List of contributors

Roman Kolivashko

Anthony McRae

Chris Nakayama

Charlie Weber

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack
  • NPM
  • Github
  • JSON

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone project repo 'team-week' to desired directory

  • Navigate to the team-week root directory in terminal or other command line interface.

    $ cd team-week
  • While in the root directory run this command

      $ npm install
  • For all searches to return complete you must aquire a free apikey from Harvard Museums, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkmEBqH76HLMMiCC-GPPnhcvHC9aJS86E32dOd0Z8MpY2rvQ/viewform

  • Create an .env file to place your token in the top level of your directory. API key variable in .env. Keep spelling and capitalization identical.

    apikey=(your Api key Here)
  • Include .env in .gitignore. Make sure to commit your .gitignore at this point, before moving on!

  • Open index.html or run this command to open the webpage

    $ npm run start
  • Use the searchbars on the left side to search your desired museum collection

Known Bugs



MIT If you run into issues or bugs with this web application, please contact one of the developers below. Thank you!

Image Licensing

Chicago Art Institute: https://www.artic.edu/image-licensing

Harvard Museum: https://harvardartmuseums.org/teaching-and-research/image-licensing/image-licensing

The Met Gallery: https://www.metmuseum.org/about-the-met/policies-and-documents/open-access

Contact Information