Backend Test - Technical Assessment


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command at the root directory:

npm install


  • express - For creating web server
  • artillery - Load testing toolkit for assessing application and API performance. Installed globally to enable execution of the artillery command on the command line.

Question 1

The code in /question1 directory represents the solution for Question 1.

How to Run

Navigate to the root directory and execute the following command to run the code for Question 1:

node question1/index.js

Question 2

The code in /question2 directory represents the solution for Question 2.

Available Endpoints

  • /generate-unique-256-hash - Generates a unique SHA-256 hash string.
  • /find-odd-ending-hash- Requests a hash string from the /generate-unique-256-hash endpoint until it finds a hash where the last character is an odd number.

How to run

  1. Start the server for Question 2 by running node question2/index.js
  2. Use your preferred methods (e.g. open in browser or tools like Postman) to interact with the endpoints

Load Testing

For load testing, ensure Artillery is installed globally. If not installed, run npm install -g artillery

To perform load testing, execute the following command at the root directory:

artillery run question2/loadtesting.yaml

This command executes the load testing script defined in question2/loadtesting.yaml.

Here is the sample load test summary:

Load test summary